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7200.00 руб.
The Year-book of chess, 1912. Edited by E.A. Michell, London. L/N 5906. vi + 321 pages, complete with index. Bound in red cloth, with gilt spine and upper cover. Corners bumped, spine bumped top and bottom, small stains to covers, otherwise good.
7200.00 руб.
The Year-book of chess, 1913. Edited by E.A. Mitchell, London. L/N 5906. viii + 280 pages, complete with index. Bound in red cloth, with gilt spine and upper cover. Spine bumped top and bottom, small tear to spine (could be fixed with glue), spine faded, otherwise good.
240000.00 руб.
Старинный составной полукожанный с художественным тиснением на корешке переплетПрижизненное издание. Первое английское издание самой знаменитой книги в истории шахмат, которое, по мнению многих, значительно более редкое, чем первое французское издание. Ф.А.Филидор (1726, Франция — 1795, Лондон) — некоронованный чемпион мира своего времени. Написанная им книга «Анализ шахматной игры» стала классикой, она выдержала 42 издания только в XVIII веке и многократно переиздавалась позже.
Состояние: очень хорошее, коллекционное
407 партий и 28 композиций Reprint. Joseph Henry Blackburne met and defeated the top players in chess history, including Anderssen, Steinitz, and Tschigorin. Known as the "Black Death", Blackburne’s game was wide open and highly tactical. This aggressive attacking style ranked him among the world’s elite during a career lasting over 50 years, and made him a favorite personality on the 19th century chess scene. Throughout this period Blackburne remained a tough and dangerous opponent, and yet - more so than most players - he knew how to have fun at chess. He loved to tell stories, and would happily banter with the crowds who flocked to his displays of simultaneous or blindfold prowess. That spirit of good-natured humor is evident all through the book before us. In 1899 Blackburne was prevailed upon to collect and annotate his best games, which were published that year as Mr. Blackburne’s Games at Chess. More than a simple game collection, this book has long been valued as a manual of proper chess play. Blackburne has organized the material according to opening, each section loaded with sound and practical advice. But always there are the games - brilliant, dashing, and ever forward to mate!
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