Practical Chess Defence
- ISBN: 91-975244-4-1
- Издательство: Quality chess
- Автор(ы): Аагард
- Язык: Английский
- Формат: Увеличенный
- Объем: 299
- Переплет: Мягкий
- Дата: 2006
Бумажная книга
Chess is developing faster now than ever before in history, and the appearance of strong chess computers has changed the way players think. In the past many positions would have been rejected on principle as impossible to defend, and even the best players would shy away from capturing material if it meant that they would have to face a difficult defense. This attitude has changed, and today's top players are not afraid of walking a very fine line in defense. Here's practical advice on various methods of defense, offering readers the chance to test and train with 200 challenging examples. While not for the fainthearted, this book will help the reader greatly improve in this vital part of the game.
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