Modern Practice 1...Nc6!?
- Издательство: Русский Шахматный Дом
- Автор(ы): Бердичевский
- Объем: 198 страниц
- Переплет: твердый
- Дата: 2004
Бумажная книга
576,08 руб.
Подробно о дебюте 1..Kc6. На Интершрифте от специалиста - гроссмейстера. The fourth title in the "Teach Yourself Chess Openings. Modern Practice" series is devoted to the rare and unusual opening of 1... Nc6 in reply to either of White's first moves - 1.e4 or 1..d4. The sequence 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 leading to French-type positions occurred back in the games of Aron Nimzowitsch and received the name of Nimzowitsch Defence. Modern praxis has significantly extended the horizons of the 1... Nc6 opening so that it can now result in rather interesting strategic situations, which pawn structures are typical of the most varied opening systems such as French Defence, Scandinavian Defence, Ruy Lopez, Scotch Game, Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence, King's Indian Defence, English Opening, Queen's Indian Defence and Nimzo-Indian Defence! Of the great masters of the past who once made certain contributions to the development of 1... Nc6 we should mention in particular Aron Nimzowitsch and Efim Bogoljubow while of modern players grandmasters Bent Larsen and Anthony Miles can be named. In our times when the opening theory is rapidly developing, the 1... Nc6 opening may prove to be a successful find for players seeking new and unusual paths from their very first moves.
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