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    Выдающийся теоретик и успешный тренер делится своими воспоминаниями об общении и сотрудничестве с Михаилом Талем, Анатолием Карповым, Исааком Болеславским, Еленой Ахмыловской и другими незаурядными шахматистами. Отдельная большая глава – рассказ о многолетней работе с Борисом Гельфандом: за эти годы (1980-1993) ученик прошел путь от 12-летнего кандидата в мастера до обладателя 3-го рейтинга в мире. Альберт Капенгут – обладатель 6 золотых медалей Всемирных студенческих Олимпиад, семикратный чемпион Белоруссии, участник личных и командных чемпионатов СССР среди мужчин, чемпион СССР в составе команды «Буревестник». В книгу вошли 70 подробно прокомментированных партий автора, внимательное изучение которых поможет читателю не только лучше разобраться в популярных дебютных схемах, но и почувствовать вкус к серьезной аналитической работе. «Мой рассказ не столько о карьере, хотя “из песни слов не выкинешь”, сколько о запомнившихся ситуациях, зачастую смешных, иногда нелепых, и пунктиром о людях, встречавшихся на пути, иногда со штрихами биографий, побуждая читателей заинтересоваться более полной информацией…» (А. Капенгут). Для широкого круга любителей шахмат.

    1300.00 руб.
  • Высота короля - 95 мм, диаметр основания короля 42 мм. В настоящее время используются в турнирах Центрального дома шахматистов. Комплект продается без доски. Фигуры с утяжелителем

    1800.00 руб.
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    Решебник международного гроссмейстера и опытного тренера (в числе учеников которого А. Грищук) Максима Блоха содержит свыше 1200 комбинаций из практических партий и специально составленных примеров. Для всех заданий характерна напряженная борьба, в которой цель достигается единственными ходами. Книга предназначена как для юных и взрослых любителей, так и для мастеров. Расположение примеров по темам позволяет использовать книгу не только как задачник, но и как учебник. Особый интерес представляют свыше двухсот специально составленных автором сверхнапряженных позиций, в которых при ходе белых единственным путем выигрывают белые, а при ходе черных – черные. Эти примеры, а также свыше 50 фрагментов из партий автора и его учеников, публикуются впервые.

    650.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    Данное учебное пособие адресовано тем, кто хочет самостоятельно научиться играть в шахматы и совершенствоваться дальше. Поурочный метод изложения, а также многочисленные упражнения способствуют последовательному усвоению правил и законов, составляющих основу шахматной игры. В книге собран обширный учебный материал, который подается читателю в соответствии с современными педагогическими принципами. Цель данного пособия - подготовка шахматистов III разряда (рейтинг до 1800). Учебник также может быть использован и для занятий в группах - он охватывает материал существующих программ первого года обучения в детских и юношеских шахматных школах.

    700.00 руб.
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    2-е издание, переработанное и дополненное, популярной монографии, которая посвящена одному из самых боевых современных дебютов – староиндийской защите. Автор скрупулезно выстраивает всю оборонительную линию черных (в том числе на территории «смежных» дебютов, таких как английское начало или лондонская система), объясняет типовые планы и тактические приемы, предлагает ряд новинок в актуальных схемах. Тщательно отобранные позиции для решения помогут читателю закрепить полученные знания. Книга адресована шахматистам любого уровня, поскольку законы староиндийской одинаковы как для любителей, так и для супергроссмейстеров. Фрагмент

    650.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    Гроссмейстер Карлос Торре – словно шахматная комета; его гений ослепительно вспыхнул и быстро погас на шахматном небосводе! Он – автор самой знаменитой «мельницы» в истории шахмат, в её безжалостные жернова попал 2-й чемпион мира Эмануил Ласкер. Авторы рассказали о жизни и творчестве мексиканского гения (в книге 25 прокомментированных партий К.Торре). Приводится книга Торре «Как формируется шахматист», очерк международного мастера Ярослава Призанта об атаке Торре в современной практике. В разделе «Сыграй как Торре» – 36 поучительных примеров из его практики для решения. В заключение дано интервью с Карлосом Торре, взятое у него Габриэлем Веласко в 1977 году. Работа с книгой доставит читателям не только эстетическое удовольствие, но и поможет повысить своё мастерство.

    550.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    В учебном пособии рассматривается один из наиболее успешных этапов в карьере 16 чемпиона мира Магнуса Карлсена - турниры 2019 года и матч на первенство мира с Яном Непомнящим. Приведены анализы миттельшпильных позиций для ряда дебютных систем, применяемых Карлсеном. Книга будет полезна тренерам и квалифицированным шахматистам Тираж 400 экз.

    575.00 руб.
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    Учебник опытного тренера международного мастера Анастасии Геллер посвящен нападению на короля. Читатель научится ставить шахи и защищаться от них наилучшим образом, а также полностью освоит один из самых важных тактических элементов шахмат – мат в 1 ход! Книга содержит 2000 задач, большая часть из которых посвящена мату в 1 ход – начиная с простейших матов одной фигурой и завершая матованием с применением сразу нескольких тактических приемов. Большинство позиций для решения отобрано из практических партий сильнейших гроссмейстеров современности и великих мастеров прошлого.

    690.00 руб.
  • Производство Голландия. Компьютер новый и полностью упакован. Шахматный компьютер "Кентавр" прост в пользовании. Вы без труда установите любой язык. С помощью сенсорной панели 40x40 см (размер клетки 48 х 48 мм) можно легко перемещать фигуры. Датчики будут регистрировать ходы. Доска имеет емкую аккумуляторную внутреннюю батарею. Уникальность компьютера в том, что он быстро адаптируется под вашу силу игры (от начинающего до гроссмейстера), чтобы у вас был подходящий соперник. Кентавр поможет вам проанализировать игру, чтобы не совершать одни и те же ошибки, и повысить шахматное мастерство. Отметим, компьютер не совместим для подключения к вашему ПК или онлайн-шахматам. В комплект входит USB-кабель и электронные шахматные фигуры DGT . Высота короля 86 мм.  

    39999.00 руб.
  • Аналог советских шахмат "Симза". Шахматы есть в двух вариантах - красные и зеленые Магнитные дорожные шахматы: складывающаяся доска-футляр из искусственной кожи, фигуры-таблетки с выпуклым изображением. Существенное  отличие  данных шахмат от современных аналогов - крепкие встроенные магниты. Даже не доиграв партию и положив закрытый футляр в карман, Вы не потеряете свою партию. Размер кошелька 19х22 см. Игровое поле 15,5х15,5 см. Клетка 2х2 см.  

    1500.00 руб.
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    1055.60 руб.


    Author: V. Asriyan   Published: Moscow, 2016   Language: Russian   Binding: Hardcover   219 pages    Condition: very good     Vladimir Makogonov - An outstanding Soviet chess player. twice participated in tournaments held in Rostov-on-Don, international master, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, honorary grandmaster of FIDE.

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    1281.80 руб.


    Chess Book:  Author: Alexander Beliavsky, Adrian Mikhalchishin & Oleg Stetsko  Title: Isolani Strategy. Strength and Weaknesses of the Isolated Queen's PawnLanguage: English Binding: Hardcover Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2016 236 pages Aaron Nimzowitsch, one of the greatest chess researchers, called the problem of the isolani – his term for the isolated d-pawn – «one of the cardinal problems in the whole theory of positional play». In the present book, on the basis of numerous practical examples, the author explain the methods of attack and defence in positions with an isolated d-pawn, from just after the opening to deep into the endgame. Grandmaster Alexander Beliavsky is best known as a four-times winner of the USSR Championship, grandmaster Adrian Mikhalchishin was a member of Karpov’s training team during his epic matches with Kasparov, and national master Oleg Stetsko is a highly experienced trainer and writer.

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    1885.00 руб.


    Author: V. Kostrov, B. BeliavskyTitle: 2000 Chess ExercisesPublisher: Russian Chess House, MoscowLanguage: Russian, English, GermanBinding: PaperbackPages: each book has 112Vsevolod Kostrov is a chess coach of the highest category. Author of more than 100 books and manuals on chess.Educational and methodical complex Kostrova (textbooks for children, reshebniki, workbooks)publishing house "Russian Chess HOUSE" became the Winner of the contest "Chess universal Education of Russia".These are the best chess books for children in our country today!  According to textbooks and problem books Kostrova engaged in a huge number young chess players who then win various tournaments,  they become masters and grandmasters.Part I: 2000 Chess Exercises. Pin, Double AttackTutorial. Pin, Double Attack 1-2 rank, 1700-2000 Elo. This collection of chess tasks and combinations is the continuation of the series "theatre company". You have matured, so and tasks have become harder. This collection presents two themes: Pin, Double Attack. A rare chess game does without these tactics. Both the Pin, Double Attack can be met in the early debut and in the deep endgame. Any piece, even a king and a pawn, can strike twice. But especially dangerous are the Queen and the horse, which can "work" in eight directions at once! And how difficult it is sometimes to get rid of the ligament, which you are ready to inflict elephants and rooks of the enemy. We hope that our book will help you turn these dangerous techniques into their good allies. Part II: 2000 Chess Exercises. Divertion, DecoyTutorial. Divertion, Decoy. 1-2 rank, 1700-2000 Elo. Before you is the 2nd collection of chess problems and combinations in the Tutorial for Dischargers series. Here are two themes: DIVING AND ATTRACTION. Distraction is a well-known technique in many sports games. Imagine that there are two strikers for the football goalkeeper. The first distracts the goalkeeper to himself and gives the ball to the second, who calmly rolls it into an empty net. This tactical technique is also used in chess, when it is necessary to distract any figure from the protection of an important field or another figure. With the help of the tactic "enticing" you can force the opponent's figure to take a position that is unfavorable for her, in which she dies. This technique is especially effective in relation to the king. Enticement is often used with a double strike, a bunch, and other tactics.Part III: 2000 Chess Exercises. Chess CombinationsTutorial. Chess Combinations. 1-2 Rank, 1700-2000 Elo. The 3rd book of the series “Chess exercises” will enrich you with more sophisticated tactical weapons. It is not always possible to reach the king using brute force. Try to act trick! Disguise your actions as a scout and act like an experienced diplomat. Find a weak spot in the camp of the enemy and at the right time destroy the defense and apply a thin dagger strike. Alien figures can become allies. By skillful maneuvers, draw the opponent's pieces to their king, let them block him so that he cannot move, and at that moment deliver the decisive blow. It is bad when all the pieces of your opponent interact perfectly. Try to drive a wedge into their orders - block them with a solid chess door. Is the enemy attack on your fortifications terrible? Should I go into a defensive defense? Always look for counterstrike. A thin intermediate shot can change the course of the fight! If your figures huddle in a small space and prevent each other from reaching the king of the enemy, decide who is time to attack the royal fortress and free your space for an attack. King must always be protected first. Use this circumstance and make an open attack on him and other figures. And then the millstone of your "mill" will grind all the enemy army. It would seem that the king of the enemy is securely covered by his retinue. But under the powerful x-ray beam of your linear figures in the position of the opponent you will immediately find cracks and holes!Part IIII: 2000 Chess Exercises. Chess EndingsTutorial. Chess endings. 1-2 rank, 1700-2000 Elo. 1-2 Klasse. In the last, the 4th “Chess exercises”, we collected the basic model positions of chess endings, which you need to know as the multiplication table. And so that it was not boring, they added interesting examples from the games of champions and amazing sketches of famous chess composers. In the endgame, the victory most often comes to the more experienced and knowledgeable. All world champions have repeatedly stressed the need to study the endings. V. Smyslov advises young chess players to pay special attention to the endgame. H.R. Capablanca believes that the ability to play the ending is a prerequisite for practical success. And “the grandfather of Russian chess” A. Petrov argues that to be able to play an endgame means to be able to play. We have no doubt that, having solved all the tasks from this book, you will love simple positions. And then build a chess "bridge", "square" and "ladder" will not be for you any difficulty. And at the right time - you will be able to drive the enemy into zugzwang. At the end of the game you will surely meet all the tactics studied in the first three books.

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    4448.60 руб.


    Chess Book in 3 volumes:  Title: World Chess Championship Matches. 3 vols.Editor-In-Chief: Igor Berdichevsky  Language: English, German, Spanish, Russian Binding: Hardcover Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2021 311 + 327 + 295 pages Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: «This three-volume anthology contains the collected and annotated games of all the matches for the world chess championship between 1886 and 1998. In the overwhelming majority of cases, these matches were battles between genuine chess giants. In 1947 the organization of the world championships, including qualifying competitions, was taken on by the International Chess Federation (FIDE). This strengthened both the prestige of the title itself, and also the prestige of FIDE, which competently arranged these events for half a century. Among the games presented in this work are a number of genuine masterpieces, the study of which will afford great pleasure to lovers of the game. It can be confidently stated that this publication gives the most vivid impression of the state of chess skill and chess knowledge at various stages in the history of our game throughout the last hundred years. Such material cannot age and cannot be consigned to oblivion»

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    980.20 руб.


    Russian Chess Book: Author: Igor Berdichevsky Title: Modern Practice. 1 … Nc6!?Language: English, German, Spanish, RussianBinding: HardcoverPublisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2004 200 pages 

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    754.00 руб.


    Author: Maksim BlokhTitle: 600 Chess CombinationsPublished: Russian Chess House Publishing House, Moscow 2019Binding: PaperbackLanguage: English, Russian, German (The foreword and the index only in English and Russian)Pages: 96This book of chess exercises has been written by an experienced coach, Maksim Blokh, an International Correspondence Grandmaster. It contains more than 600 exercises, classified by combinative motifs. This carefully planned approach aids the  development of combinative vision and enables the book to be used as a chess manual. The exercises are distinguished by a tense fight, and usually there is only one way to the goal.The book is intended for ordinary schools and colleges, as well for specialist chess courses, and it can also be used as a self-tutor. In both cases a certain basic chess knowledge is assumed.Dieses Schach-Übungsbuch wurde vom ICCF-Großmeister Maksim Bloch geschrieben. Es enthält mehr als 600 Übungen, die nach verschiedenen kombina-torischen Motiven geordnet sind. Dieser kluge Ansatz erleichtert den Prozess der Entwicklung des kombinatorischen Sehens, das Buch kann vom Leser sehr gut als Handbuch verwendet werden.Die Übungen sind durch spannende Lösungen charakterisiert, und normalerweise gibt es nur einen Weg, der zum Ziel führt. Das Buch ist für spezielle Schach-gruppen in Mittel- und Hochschulen geeignet und kann auch zum Selbststudium verwendet werden. In beiden Fällen ist ein bestimmtes schachliches Anfangs-wissen notwendig.                                                                                                                                         FOREWORDDear chess friends! One of the most important components of chess mastery is the ability to conduct a tactical fight. Therefore it is essential to study the theory of chess tactics, to develop your combinative vision, and to improve the technique of calculating variations. In this book the author continues his researches in this field, which were initiated in his previous books (1200 Combinations; The Art of Combination; and Chess Manual). This book is devoted to a classification of combinative motifs (weaknesses in the position, and also features of the placement and coordination of the pieces) which suggest the possibility of finding and carrying out a combination. Such a classification enables the book to be used not only as a set of exercises, but also as a manual. The detailed table of enables trainers to select examples for instruction, while for less experienced players it can serve as a subtle hint in case of difficulties. For successful work with the book, a certain level of knowledge of basic tactical methods is required. Therefore I strongly recommend, particularly younger readers, to first study the chapter ‘Basics of Chess Tactics’ in my Chess Manual. Most of the 384 positions offered here are so sharp, that only a single solution for White exists when it is him to move, while Black, when it is him to move, can also achieve success in a single possible way! (Incidentally, in some positions the second player carries out a combinative motif relating to another section of the book). Hence the total number of combinations exceeds 600. The author has endeavoured to gather positions that are characterised by a unique solution (therefore some positions from practical games have been slightly modified), creative richness, and instructive value. Positions that are given without mentioning their source have been composed by the author and used by him in his classes for young players. The numeric value in circles (at the top right of every diagram) indicates its level of complexity. The author recommends first trying to find a solution, making written notes, but without moving the pieces on the board. Those examples that could not be solved at the first attempt should be thoroughly studied later, after the first reading of the book is completed. I hope that you will enjoy the book and substantially improve your play through studying it. Later you may wish to study my more detailed book Combinative Motifs, on the same topic, which contains 1206 diagrams with exercises. Maksim BIokh

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    3770.00 руб.


    Title: Bogolubov's Chess Creativity Through the Prism of TheoryPublisher: Andrey ElkovAuthor(s): BogdanovichLanguage: RussianBinding: HardcoverFormat: LargeVolume: 720Date: 2021The first major work dedicated to the remarkable chess player Efim Dmitrievich Bogolyubov, who twice played a match for the title of world champion. Bogolyubov's work is not widely represented in chess literature. Meanwhile, the chess legacy of one of the greatest chess players of the first half of the twentieth century is a storehouse of chess ideas and techniques.The first part of the book is a biographical sketch, supplemented by rare, previously unknown documents and photographs. In the second part, where the chess creativity of Bogolyubov is considered, his creative portrait is given. Bogolyubov's work is so many-sided that you can choose an example from his games on any topic of General chess theory.Detailed comments and distribution of material by topic make the book a real textbook.

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    2186.60 руб.


    The set of 2 books by Yakov Vladimirov (14 times world champion in chess composition)1.1000 Chess ProblemsISBN: 978-5-94693-734-4Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): VladimirovYear of issue: 2018Language: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 416Binding: HardcoverThe book contains 1000 selected popular chess problems, characterized by easy construction, witty and effective solution, excellent shape. The author of the collection, 14-time world chess composition champion, international grandmaster, not only gives solutions, but also tells about the history, theory, theme of modern chess composition, famous compilers of the past and present. The book is also a kind of reshebnik (answers - at the end of the book!), with which You will improve your tactical vision and hone the technique of calculating options. For a wide range of chess fans.checkmates in 2 moves 1-320checkmates in 3 moves 321-700checkmates in 4 moves 701-829checkmates in 5 moves 893-936checkmates in 6 and more moves 939-952cooperative and other non-standart and humorous  problems 953-10002. 1000 Chess StudiesISBN: 978-5-94693-778-8Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): VladimirovYear of issue: 2019Language: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 424Binding: HardcoverThe book contains 1000 selected popular chess etudes, characterized by easy construction, witty and effective solution, excellent shape. The author of the collection, 14-time world chess composition champion, international grandmaster, not only gives solutions, but also tells about the history, theory, theme of modern chess composition, famous compilers of the past and present. The book is also a kind of reshebnik (answers — at the end of the book!), with which You will improve your tactical vision and hone the technique of calculating options.For a wide range of chess fans

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    2262.00 руб.


    Russian Chess Book: Authors: Dmitry Plisetsky, Sergey Voronkov Title: Russians versus FischerPublisher: Moscow Chess World, 1994 Binding: Hardcover Language: English 396 pages This volume contains the extraordinary story of the prolonged battle between Bobby Fischer, perhaps the most famous chess player of all time, and the long-standing and all-dominating Soviet chess machine. For the first time readers will be able to view virtually all the secret documents on "the Fischer problem", many of which have never previously been published.

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    2262.00 руб.


    A large-scale project of the famous historian and writer Sergey Voronkov is an attempt to understand what is hidden under the legendary brand "Soviet chess school". All the best chess players of the country, including eight world Champions, took part in the USSR Championships (1920 - 1991)! That is why on these tournaments, as on annual rings on slices of trees, it is possible to trace all history of development of the Soviet chess.That is why on these tournaments, as on annual rings on slices of trees, it is possible to trace all history of development of the Soviet chess. In his work, the author relies solely on documents: Newspapers and magazines of previous years, tournament bulletins, eyewitness accounts. So you will find no hackneyed stories, and many hitherto unknown facts, sensational finds and the intriguing stories. The parties are also one another more beautiful — only the best and most dramatic! Comment on their own participants, in addition, they were all subjected to computer testing "Kasparov".Title: Masterpieces and Dramas of USSR ChampionshipsAuthor: S. VoronkovPublished: Moscow, 2007Binding: HardbackLanguage: RussianPages: 462This volume is dedicated to the first ten USSR Championships (1920-1937). It includes 107 selected "masterpieces and dramas" and 150 archival photographs and drawings. 

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    980.20 руб.


    Russian Chess Book in 2 vols.: Author: IM Vasily Gagarin  Title: D45/46. The Slav Defence. Anti-meran. Anti-meran-2. Updates. 2 vols. Language: English, German, Spanish, Russian Binding: Softcover Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 1996, 1998 189 59 pages  Art MN

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    1885.00 руб.


    Title: Training Program For Chess Players II Category (ELO 1400-1800)Author: Victor GolenishchevEditor-in-Cheif: Anatoly KarpovPublished: Russian Chess House, Moscow, 2018Language: EnglishBinding: HardcoverPages: 320This book is equally and excellent textbook for independent work, and a valuable methodological guide for coaches and teachers of chess. Many experts even believe that nothing better in this way is still not created. As a training program for chess players it was developed by the honored coach of the USSR, master of sports of the USSR Victor Golenishchev. V. Golenishchev's programs (IV-III grades, II category, I category and candidate master) still retain great methodological value and are successfully used in chess pedagogy. It is noteworthy that this technique is extremely popular not only among our coaches, but also among foreign specialists. This edition of this classic book is supplemented by examples from the works of the best chess players of recent years and reflects modern views on chess. Under the General edition of the multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov.