Chess Book 3 volumes: Igor Berdichevsky. World Chess Championship Matches. 2021
- Автор(ы): Бердичевский
- Язык: English
4448,6 руб.
Chess Book in 3 volumes: Title: World Chess Championship Matches. 3 vols. Editor-In-Chief: Igor Berdichevsky Language: English, German, Spanish, Russian Binding: Hardcover Publisher: 311 + 327 + 295 pages Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: «This three-volume anthology contains the collected and annotated games of all the matches for the world chess championship between 1886 and 1998. In the overwhelming majority of cases, these matches were battles between genuine chess giants. In 1947 the organization of the world championships, including qualifying competitions, was taken on by the International Chess Federation (FIDE). This strengthened both the prestige of the title itself, and also the prestige of FIDE, which competently arranged these events for half a century. Among the games presented in this work are a number of genuine masterpieces, the study of which will afford great pleasure to lovers of the game. It can be confidently stated that this publication gives the most vivid impression of the state of chess skill and chess knowledge at various stages in the history of our game throughout the last hundred years. Such material cannot age and cannot be consigned to oblivion»
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