Книги 1946-1990 гг
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(на англ. яз.). О матче века (Белград 1970), блиц-турнире сильнейших шахматистов мира (1970), матчах Фишера с Ларсеном и Таймановым.
The 1962 Candidates’ Tournament in Curaзao was one of the fiercest chess battles of all time. At the height of the Cold War, eight players contested the right to challenge World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik. The format of the tournament was a gruelling quadruple round-robin. Twenty-eight games were to be played on the tropical island, in a contest that lasted two months. The air trembled with drama and intrigue. One of the favourites, the brilliant Mikhail Tal,was taken to hospital after 21 rounds and had to withdraw. Three other players from the Soviet Union, Keres, Petrosian, and Geller, were making suspiciously short draws when playing each other. The two American players came to blows over the services of the second they were supposed to share. Bella Kortchnoi, whose husband took an early lead in the tournament, was a puppet in the hands of the scheming Rona Petrosian, the wife of the later winner. And one of the favourites was a lanky 19-year-old boy from Brooklyn, Bobby Fischer, who openly accused the Soviets of collusion and was later proven right. In the end, Tigran Petrosian was the winner and went on to become the new World Champion the following year. But such was the impact of Fischer’s accusations that this was the last time such a battle was organised. Henceforth the challenger to the highest crown was determined in a series of matches. Curaзao 1962 was the last Candidates’ Tournament. In Curaзao 1962, Jan Timman returns to this clash of giants and takes a fresh look at the games. Timman describes the course of the tournament and annotates the most important games (including 16 of Fischer’s!) in his usual lucid and instructive style. Curaзao 1962 revives a tradition of great tournament books, such as Alekhine’s New York 1927 and Bronstein’s Zurich 1953.
18-й шахматный чемпионат СССР N 1-20за1950 г.19-й шахматный чемпионат СССР N1-19 за 1951-52 г. 20-й шахматный чемпионат СССР N 1-15 за 1951-52 г.
Гронинген 1946 — первый крупный международный турнир по шахматам после Второй мировой войны. Проходил в Нидерландском городе Гронинген с 12 августа до 7 сентября 1946 года. Михаил Ботвинник выиграл турнир, опередив на пол очка экс-чемпиона мира Макса Эйве. Эта была первая чистая победа Ботвинника за пределами Советского Союза и последний успех Эйве на крупном турнире. На турнире отсутствовали такие игроки как: Самуэль Решевский, Ройбен Файн и Пауль Керес. Самым старым участником соревнования был Осип Бернштейн (65 лет).
Volume 1 of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Chess Games contains in languageless algebraic notation some 4000 games including: all the recorded games from 1485 to 1800 • all the known games played in every significant tournament and match between 1800 and 1866 • every traceable game, including some not previously published, of the greatest players of the era: Philidor, La Bourdonnais, MacDonnell, Stauton, Anderssen, and Morphy, plus, for the relevant years, those of Steinitz • analysis by the leading players of the day • illustrations of players and events. The editors are well-known chess autors. David Levy is an International Master and former Scottish Champion. Kevin O'Connell is President of the western European zone of the World Chess Federation (FIDE).
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Комплект из двух книг. Документы и материалы кануна Второй мировой войны. 1937-1939 гг., 1071.00 руб.
Игровой набор 5 в 1 в чемоданчике (шахматы, шашки, нарды, домино, карты) 2100.00 руб.
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Мои великие предшественники. Комплект из всех изданных книг. 1,2,5 Том. Автор:
Каспаров 3400.00 руб. -
Пути совершенствования Автор:
Зак 250.00 руб. -
Шахматы деревянные СССР 1950-ые 2400.00 руб.
Подарок шахматисту. Гарри Каспаров. Мой шахматный путь в 3-х томах. В подарочной упаковке. Автор:
Каспаров 3750.00 руб. -
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