Книги 1991-2023 гг
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927.36 руб.
One of the biggest open tournaments in the world celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2010. This book guides us through the history of the tournament and is packed with interesting stories and anecdotes as well as 20 superbly annotated games by super-GM Sergei Movsesian. Also included are a wealth of photos from over the years and 58 tactical puzzles all featuring games from the Pardubice tournament in which the reader can gain an idea of his chess rating from the results gained. Один из крупнейших открытых турниров в мире отметил свое 20-летие в 2010 году. Эта книга рассказывает нам историю турнира и наполнена интересными историями и анекдотами, а также 20 великолепно аннотированных игр супер-GM Сергея Мовсесяна. Также включены множество фотографий с годами и 58 тактических головоломок, в которых представлены игры из турнира Пардубице, в которых читатель может получить представление о своем рейтинге в шахматах от полученных результатов.
2318.40 руб.
Из библиотеки гроссмейстера Лотара Шмида. This book is devoted to ska Mephisto tournament in Munich in 1993 is much more than it is actually impossible to say. The book is updated a lot of pictures from the event and also some comments about the tournament were printed. For each round, the players themselves annotated and analyzed at the end of the game and still find a number of unannotated games. Conclusion: If you look at the top people have commented on the game, this book is an interesting alternative. It is also very interesting, as it reflects the history of the tournament at the time.
Im Sommer 1996 wurde Elista, eine bis dahin wenig bekannte Stadt im Süden der Russischen Föderation, zum Mittelpunkt der Schachwelt. Anatoli Karpow und Gata Kamsky spielten dort um die Weltmeisterschaft der FIDE. Ihr Duell in der Steppe war eines der härtesten in der Schachgeschichte. Jeden zweiten Tag absolvierten die beiden WM-Finalisten ein Spiel, dazu gab es viele Hängepartien, Timeouts waren laut Reglement nicht erlaubt. Alle Begegnungen wurden ausgekämpft, nur neun von ihnen endeten unentschieden. Salonremisen gab es nicht. Die Schachwelt zollte Karpow und Kamsky für diese Leistung ihren Respekt.
2322.76 руб.
What separates the best chess players from the rest? What gives them the edge over their rivals? Chess legend Vladimir Kramnik believes it’s their fighting skills and the ability to continuously find ways to keep a game alive. Colin Crouch agrees, and is fascinated that the world’s strongest players seem almost unbeatable, even when games appear sharp and double-edged. In this book Crouch examines the tremendous fighting qualities of today’s top grandmasters. Analysing key games from 2012, Crouch demonstrates how they give nothing away to opponents but are always alert to punish any slight errors, and crucially, how we can apply these lessons to help us in our own games. Move by Move provides an ideal platform to study chess. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to improve your chess skills and knowledge.
774.25 руб.
Репринт. Предисловие Г.Каспарова.
A multinational array of top grandmasters explain the difference in thinking between professional and amateur chess players, and how the amateur can bridge the gap. It usually takes at least a decade of sustained effort for even the most talented player to reach the grandmaster level - this book cannot guarantee to make the reader a chess grandmaster, but it is certainly a healthy nudge in the right direction. The editors, ex-British Champion GM Jacob Aagaard and three-time Scottish Champion GM John Shaw, have recruited a line-up of strong grandmasters to share their wisdom. Официальная цена (указана на книге) $29.95
- Шахматы пластиковые DGT c утяжелителем. (стаунтон 5) (высота короля 88 мм) (Голландия) 1600.00 руб.
- Шахматные часы электронные DGT 1002 BONUS (Голландия) 3300.00 руб.
- Шахматные часы DGT 3000 Limited Edition (Голландия) 9500.00 руб.
- Подарочный шахматный стартовый набор DGT Grey Chess (доска, фигуры) (Голландия) 3500.00 руб.
- DGT Роскошные шахматные фигуры в шкатулке Юдит Полгар (Judit Polgar) 13000.00 руб.
- Деревянные шахматные фигуры ручной работы DGT Timeless 12000.00 руб.
Корчной 6000.00 руб. - Шахматы из мамонтовой кости и эбенового дерева. Стаунтон. 600000.00 руб.
Моя система
Нимцович 600.00 руб. -
Стратегия и тактика шахмат
Лисицын 995.00 руб.