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Содержание: И.Зайцев. Памяти Алексея Выжманавина. Ю.Авербах. Из манускрипта Джоакино Греко. В.Чащихин. Джоакино Греко и Андре Филидор. Дебютные новинки. В Вашу картотеку
Tarrasch was the dominant force in European chess in the early 1890's and his ability to win top level tournaments continued via his huge triumph at Vienna 1898 on to the "World Tournament Championship" of Ostend 1907. Tarrasch was rightly regarded as the teacher of generations of European and world Masters , hence his title Praeceptor Germaniae - the Professor from Germany.
Полный комплект спецвыпусков №№1-20 на нем. языке. 1960-е, 1970-е годы. В архиве анализ партий по дебютам, анализ миттельшпиля и эндшпиля.
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review was called by the ex world champion Euwe "the greatest chess phenomenon of all time".
Book DescriptionPaul Morphy: Pride and Sorrow Chess is the only full-length biography of Paul Morphy, in the pre-war chess prodigy who launched United States participation in international chess and is still usually recognized as the greatest American chess player of all time.
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