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Огромное количество партий, таблиц... Мелкий шрифт.
В книге подробно рассказывается о жизни и деятельности чемпионов мира по шахматам. Рассказ о покорителях Олимпа дополнен фрагментами их неувядаемого творчества - комбинациями, сопровождающимися, где нужно, краткими примечаниями, в которых использованы комментарии самих авторов этих маленьких произведений шахматного искусства, а также оценки ряда известных аналитиков. Разумеется, приведенными примерами не исчерпывается творчество великих шахматистов в этом жанре.
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review is the strongest female player in the world, ranked 8th on the man's 2005 rating list.
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review is Vladimir Kramnik.
Mikhail Tal, the "magician from Riga", was the greatest attacking World Champion of them all, and this enchanting autobiography chronicles his extraordinary career with charm and humor. Dazzling games are interspersed throughout with anecdotes and witty self-interviews, and in typically objective fashion he related both the downs and ups of his encounters. An inveterate smoker and drinker, Tal`s life on the circuit was punctuated by bouts in the hospital with kidney problems, but nothing could dull his love for chess and his sheer genius on the chessboard. His illustrious tournament record, up to his death in 1992, is included here in full, along with 100 complete games and nearly as many positions. Tal`s annotations in this book are a world apart from ordinary games collections. No reader could fail to be swept along by his passion and vitality as he sets the scene for an encounter and then recounts every psychological twist and turn.
Pod koniec 1992 roku ukazał się drugi tom. Do współpracy udało się nawet wciągnąć znanego arcymistrza z byłego NRD Wolfganga Uhlmanna, który opracował ostry wariant w obronie królewsko-indyjskiej po posunięciach 1.d4 Sf6 2.c4 g6 3.Sc3 Gg7 4.e4 d6 5.Sf3 0-0 6.Ge2 e5 7.0-0 Sc6 8.d5 Se7 9.Sd2
This book is based on the experience of several years playing chess and is written as a result of the working up a lot of books dealing with chess tactics. Its primary aim is to entertain the reader, since the study of a combination of genius gives much pleasure to those who like chess. The tactical blows give you much help to understand the tactical miseries of the positions and sometimes you can discover very rare and brilliant ideas when the combinations need making an extreme move.
A great puzzle book to encourage the development of chess visualization. The planning and visualization skills taught here translate directly to over-the-board chess and have many other applications as well, for players and instructors alike.
1.Ринк. 2.Л.Куббель. 3.Троицкий. 4.Лойд. 5.Платовы. 6.Рети и Фритз.
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