Книги автора:
2639.00 руб.
The Set of 9 Books: Chess Player Library SeriesPublisher: Russian Chess House1. Tigran Petrosyan's Chess SchoolAuthor(s): T. PetrosyanYear of issue: 2018Format: NormalPages: 112Binding: SoftThe work of the ninth world champion Tigran Petrosyan is a bright and original page of chess art. Petrosyan's unique style of play was distinguished by strategic depth, subtle understanding of the position and inimitable art of prevention. However, the ninth world champion had an excellent sense of dynamics and sharp combinational vision, as evidenced by the numerous parties-diamonds included in this collection.The works of T. Petrosyan, commented by himself, will be an excellent tool for readers to study the positional game. For educational purposes, the parties are divided into thematic sections, each of which is preceded by a brief introduction.2. Akiba Rubinstein's Chess SchoolAuthor(s): KmochYear of issue: 2018Language: RussianFormat: NormalPages 88Binding: SoftBrilliant Polish grandmaster Akiba Rubinstein made zna-contribution to the development of chess art. Posie principles-tional school V. Stanicek proclaimed and developed in the writings ofZ. Tarrasch, has reached its perfect harmonious embodimentin the work of the "great Akiba".30 batches of Rubinstein, characterized by extreme clarity and La-konechnostey constitute the "essence" of creative achievementsgreat Maestro. They are without a doubt an excellent schoolpositional play and deliver great aesthetic pleasurechess fan.For educational purposes, the material is divided into thematic sections.For a wide range of chess fans.3. Chess school of Mikhail ChigorinAuthor(s): ChigorinLanguage: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 88Binding: SoftYear of issue: 2017The name of M. I. Chigorin is inscribed in the history of chess art in gold letters. The work of the outstanding Russian master, who had a great influence on the next generation of chess players, still amazes with its beauty and richness of ideas. 30 parties Chigorin, we offer the reader, are the "essence" of the creative achievements of the Russian masters. In order to give the material a training orientation, the parties are divided into thematic sections "Attack", "Strategy", "Endgame", "Debut prophecies". The book will be useful to all chess fans, as well as qualified chess players and coaches.4. Jose Raul Capablanca's Chess SchoolAuthor(s): CapablancaLanguage: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 112Binding: Softyear of issue: 2018The creativity of the third world champion Jose Raul Capablanca isone of the brightest pages of chess art.On the technical perfection of the game Cuban genius, his consummate lift-way-togendai intuition and quick thinking were legends. Capab-Lanka has achieved in his work a harmonious combination of deep posture-strategy and combinational skill. Even in the endgamethe technique of "chess machine" was colored "small" com-binations.30 parties Capablanca with his own review, feature-corresponding clarity and brevity, make "kvintes-sentia" creative achievements of the great Maestro. They are, without a doubt,will bring great aesthetic pleasure to chess fans.For educational purposes, the parties are divided into thematic sections, eachof which is prefaced by a brief introduction.5.Paul Morphy's Chess SchoolAuthor(s): MaroqiLanguage: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 48Binding: Softyear of issue: 2017The name of the outstanding American chess player Paul Morphy is covered with legendary fame. Just three years (1857-1859) Morphy acted on the official chess scene, proving his clear superiority over the best masters of the New and Old world and becoming, in fact, "uncrowned" world champion. 30 games of one of the greatest chess geniuses of all time, offered to the reader, are the most vivid productions of Morphy and, without a doubt, will bring great aesthetic pleasure to chess fans. For educational purposes, the parties are divided into thematic sections, each of which is preceded by a brief introduction. According to most experts, classical chess education is unthinkable without studying the work of Morphy, as it is from him that the chess world has learned the correct understanding of the game. His games will be extremely useful and interesting to learn chess - tist of any qualification, from beginner to master.6. Chess School of Vladimir KramnikAuthor(s): GulievLanguage: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 176Binding: SoftYear of issue: 2019The fourteenth world champion Vladimir Kramnik is a bright representative of the classical direction in chess art. In his work harmoniously combines a subtle understanding of the position, impeccable possession of combination weapons and honed endgame technique. 30 games of V. Kramnik, presented in this book and commented on by grandmaster S. Guliyev, will give readers great aesthetic pleasure. For educational purposes, the parties are divided into thematic sections, each of which is preceded by a brief introduction7. Chess School of World Champion Magnus CarlsenAuthor(s): Barlov, Bernal, Vasquez, CoYear of issue: 2018Language: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 472Binding: SoftThe book is devoted to the work of the strongest chess player of our time-nosti, the world champion, the owner of the highest rating MagnusCarlsen.The emphasis is on the educational component. A separate Chapter devoted to-Sena frequently used Norwegian genius this subtle reception,as the "positional pawn sacrifice". Another Chapter analyzes the Evo-Lucius of Carlsen's chess ideas. His elected parties are givenwith detailed comments of grandmasters (more than 100 examples),including discussed matches for the world championship, including the winningthe match of 2016 against Sergey Karyakin.This work, according to the Spanish publishers of this book, is excellentcomplements the work of A. Mikhalchishin and O. Stetsko "60 parties of the leader of the owls-belt chess."For a wide range of chess players.8. Alexander Alekhine's Chess SchoolAuthor(s): AlekhineLanguage: RussianFormat: NormalVolume: 104Binding: SoftYear of issue: 201830 elected parties of Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhine, included-these in this collection are the real gems of chess.creativity, in all its brilliance revealing a bright combination offantasy, fine strategic skills, filigree endgame-ing equipment and consummate art commentary fourthworld champion.Studying the work of the Russian chess genius, you will certainly rise-sit your skills and get great aesthetic pleasure.For educational purposes, the parties are divided into thematic sections, eachof which is prefaced by a brief introduction.9. Vichy Anand's Chess SchoolAuthor(s): AnandYear of issue: 2018Language: RussianPages: 160Binding: SoftFive-time world champion Vishy Anand for the past three decades WMOs-dit is among the strongest players in the world. His initiative,beautiful style of play, as well as impeccable sports quality,we have won the hearts of many chess fans.Thirty parties included in this book will deliver to readers not onlygreat aesthetic pleasure. Special methodological valuepresent the comments of the Indian grandmaster, harmoniouslycombining General reasoning and concrete analysis.For educational purposes, the parties are divided into thematic sections.For a wide range of chess fans. -
3016.00 руб.
The first volume includes two years: 1876-1877 (was published in 3 volumes)Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinFormat: enlarged format552 pages.Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antiqueDate: 2010Description:A monthly magazine dedicated to the game of chess and its literature. Published By M. Chigorin 1876-1877. St. Petersburg, Russia. Printing House Of V. O. Demakov.The great Russian chess player, the founder of the Russian chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage."It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this three - volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature, "writes multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov in" Word to the reader".The first volume includes two years: 1876-1877.WORD TO THE READER"Chigorin is the founder of the Russian chess school, an outstanding theorist, and a contender for the world crown." How often we had to read and hear these words, which from frequent use were lost, began to seem an empty banality. Meanwhile, Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin (1850-1908) was really the brightest creative personality. A gambling, fascinating person, he spared no effort and time to find the truth of chess, to solve the mysteries of an intricate opening or seemingly simple endgame position. In those early years, universality had not yet become a "vital necessity" in chess, and therefore every major master had a clearly defined individual style, with its own advantages and disadvantages. The Russian champion believed in the dynamic potential of figures, aspired to an open figure game, and willingly sacrificed material for initiative. His powerful opponent, Wilhelm Steinitz, put unshakable positional values above all else: the reliability of the pawn structure, the predominance in the center, the preponderance in space. Chigorin and Steinitz played two matches for the world championship, a lot of tournament and light games, but their fundamental dispute was not only at the chessboard. Polemically sharp, uncompromising discussions of these titans and their followers graced the pages of Newspapers and magazines of those years.Chigorin passionately loved chess, and he was depressed by the lack of public interest in this wise game in our country. He wanted to prove that chess is not an empty sport; it can become a life's work, a real profession. To show chess in the most favorable light and attract the attention of an enlightened public, Chigorin for ten years published, mostly at his own expense, the magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-81) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-87). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long since become a bibliographic rarity.The modern reader is spoiled by an abundance of chess literature. However, without the historical aura that envelops the creative essence of the chess player, our inner world would be much poorer. The Russian chess house publishing house performs a real feat, giving everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage. It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this four-volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature.Anatoly Karpov,multiple world championThe great Russian chess player, the founder of the national chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage. -
10556.00 руб.
The first volume includes two years: 1876-1877 (was published in 3 volumes)Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinFormat: enlarged format552 pages.Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antiqueDate: 2010The second volume includes two years: 1878-1879 (was published in 3 volumes)ISBN: 978-5-94693-469-5Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinYear of release: 2019Language: RussianFormat: EnlargedPages: 616Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antiqueDate: 2019The third volume includes two years: 1880-1881 (was published in 3 volumes)SBN: 978-5-94693-646-0Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinYear of release: 2019Language: RussianFormat: EnlargedVolume: 520Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antique -
3770.00 руб.
The second volume includes two years: 1878-1879 (was published in 3 volumes)ISBN: 978-5-94693-469-5Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinYear of release: 2019Language: RussianFormat: EnlargedPages: 616Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antiqueDate: 2019A monthly magazine dedicated to the game of chess and its literature. Published By M. Chigorin 1878-1879. St. Petersburg, Russia. Printing House Of V. O. Demakov.The great Russian chess player, the founder of the national chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage."It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this three - volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature, "writes multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov in" Word to the reader".The second volume includes two years: 1878-1879.WORD TO THE READER"Chigorin is the founder of the Russian chess school, an outstanding theorist, and a contender for the world crown." How often we had to read and hear these words, which from frequent use were lost, began to seem an empty banality. Meanwhile, Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin (1850-1908) was really the brightest creative personality. A gambling, exciting person, he spared no effort and time to find the truth of chess, to solve the mysteries of an intricate opening or seemingly simple endgame position. In those early years, universality had not yet become a "vital necessity" in chess, and therefore every major master had a clearly defined individual style, with its own advantages and disadvantages. The Russian champion believed in the dynamic potential of figures, aspired to an open figure game, and willingly sacrificed material for initiative. His powerful opponent, Wilhelm Steinitz, put unshakable positional values above all else: the reliability of the pawn structure, the predominance in the center, the preponderance in space. Chigorin and Steinitz played two matches for the world championship, a lot of tournament and light games, but their fundamental dispute was not only at the chessboard. Polemically sharp, uncompromising discussions of these titans and their followers graced the pages of Newspapers and magazines of those years.Chigorin passionately loved chess, and he was depressed by the lack of public interest in this wise game in our country. He wanted to prove that chess is not an empty sport; it can become a life's work, a real profession. To show chess in the most favorable light and attract the attention of an enlightened public, Chigorin for ten years published, mostly at his own expense, the magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-81) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-87). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long since become a bibliographic rarity.The modern reader is spoiled by an abundance of chess literature. However, without the historical aura that envelops the creative essence of the chess player, our inner world would be much poorer. The Russian chess house publishing house performs a real feat, giving everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage. It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this four-volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature.Anatoly Karpov,multiple world championThe great Russian chess player, the founder of the national chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage. -
3770.00 руб.
The third volume includes two years: 1880-1881 (was published in 3 volumes)SBN: 978-5-94693-646-0Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinYear of release: 2019Language: RussianFormat: EnlargedVolume: 520Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antiqueDescription:A monthly magazine dedicated to the game of chess and its literature. Published By M. Chigorin 1880-1881. St. Petersburg, Russia. Printing House Of V. O. Demakov.The great Russian chess player, the founder of the national chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage."It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this three - volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature, "writes multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov in" Word to the reader".The third volume includes two years: 1880-1881WORD TO THE READER"Chigorin is the founder of the Russian chess school, an outstanding theorist, and a contender for the world crown." How often we had to read and hear these words, which from frequent use were lost, began to seem an empty banality. Meanwhile, Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin (1850-1908) was really the brightest creative personality. A gambling, fascinating person, he spared no effort and time to find the truth of chess, to solve the mysteries of an intricate opening or seemingly simple endgame position. In those early years, universality had not yet become a "vital necessity" in chess, and therefore every major master had a clearly defined individual style, with its own advantages and disadvantages. The Russian champion believed in the dynamic potential of figures, aspired to an open figure game, and willingly sacrificed material for initiative. His powerful opponent, Wilhelm Steinitz, put unshakable positional values above all else: the reliability of the pawn structure, the predominance in the center, the preponderance in space. Chigorin and Steinitz played two matches for the world championship, a lot of tournament and light games, but their fundamental dispute was not only at the chessboard. Polemically sharp, uncompromising discussions of these titans and their followers graced the pages of Newspapers and magazines of those years.Chigorin passionately loved chess, and he was depressed by the lack of public interest in this wise game in our country. He wanted to prove that chess is not an empty sport; it can become a life's work, a real profession. To show chess in the most favorable light and attract the attention of an enlightened public, Chigorin for ten years published, mostly at his own expense, the magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-81) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-87). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long since become a bibliographic rarity.The modern reader is spoiled by an abundance of chess literature. However, without the historical aura that envelops the creative essence of the chess player, our inner world would be much poorer. The Russian chess house publishing house performs a real feat, giving everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage. It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this four-volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature.Anatoly Karpov,multiple world championThe great Russian chess player, the founder of the national chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage. -
3770.00 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-946931-96-0Publishing house: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ShallopLanguage: RussianFormat: EnlargedVolume: 360+24c (photo of participants on coated paper)Binding: HardDate: 2013We offer you a collection of games of the most famous and legendary tournament in the history of chess. All the strongest chess players of that time are the world champion Em.Lasker, ex-champion of V.Steinitz, as well as M. Chigorin, Z. Tarrasch, K. Schlechter, D. Yanovsky and many others took part in it. And the victory went to the then little-known chess player Harry Nelson Pillsbury... Comments on the matches belong partly to the participants of the tournament, partly to outstanding Soviet masters and analysts. A luxurious, composite binding. Photos of all participants of the tournament are presented in a separate tab on coated paper. For a wide range of chess fans.ISBN: 978-5-94693-501-2Publishing house: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ZukertortSeries: Great ChessLanguage: RussianFormat: Enlarged formatVolume: 460Binding: HardDate: 2017The book is dedicated to one of the greatest chess players in history, the participant of the first official match for the world championship, Johann Zuckertort. The high point of his brilliant career was a triumph at the largest international tournament in London in 1883, where he took first place, beating the runner-up Wilhelm Steinitz by three(!) points. In the subsequent match for the world championship, Zukertort led with a score of 4: 1, and, according to many experts, only health problems prevented him from becoming the first official world champion in history. The book, in fact, is divided into two parts. The first one consists of the best articles and fragments, the authors of which are mainly people who knew Zukertort well, and gives a full idea of his personality. The second and main part of the book presents the most complete collection of parties to date (more than 300), commented mainly by himself, as well as by his famous rivals – Steinitz, Chigorin, etc. The enduring value of Zuckertort's work is evidenced by the fact that many of his games were later commented on by the fifth world champion Max Euwe. I. Zukertort, a student of the uncrowned world champion A. Andersen, was an adherent of romantic, combination chess. His games will undoubtedly help you improve your skills and enjoy the authentic masterpieces of chess art.ISBN: 978-5-94693-339-1Publishing house: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinSeries: Great ChessLanguage: RussianFormat: EnlargedVolume: 453Binding: HardDate: 2014A gift edition. The book tells about the life and creative path of the Russian genius Mikhail Chigorin, who is rightfully considered the founder of the Russian chess school. There are about 250 games with comments, first of all by Chigorin himself, as well as such luminaries as V. Steinitz, E. Bogolyubov, Z. Tarrash, G. Levenfish, etc. The biographical part of the book is based on the famous work of Grekov, but the collection of parties has been significantly expanded. Mikhail Ivanovich was far ahead of his time and actually played chess of the XXI century, and his unfading ideas had a huge impact on subsequent generations. After studying this book, you will significantly strengthen your game and significantly replenish the stock of ideas in all stages of the game. For a wide range of chess fans. -
72000.00 руб.
Во владельческом коленкоровом переплете с иллюстрированной издательской обложкой, наклеенной поверх передней крышки. В хорошем состоянии. Все партии турнира (Киев, 1903, I место - Чигорин) с описаниями туров. Вступительная статья с программой и условиями турнира. Последний турнирый триумф основоположника отечественной шахматной школы, одного из сильнейших шахматистов мира своего времени Михаила Ивановича Чигорина (1850-1908). Редкость! Мысль об организации III-го Всероссийского шахматного турнира явилась в Киевском Шахматном Обществе .летом 1901 года, вскоре после II-го Всероссшскаго турнира, происходившего в Москве (в Московском Шахматном Кружке) с 26 декабря 1900 г. по 14 января 1901 г. Но только что основанное Киевское Шахматное Общество не сразу достигло возможности приступить к действительной организации турнира, и мысль о нем, едва появившись, стихла. Однако через год — летом 1902 года — мысль о турнире снова возродилась в Киевском Обществе и на этот раз уже с более солидными шансами на свое осуществление. Принятая сочувственно повсюду, идея турнира в Киеве нашла горячую поддержку в Шахматном Обозрении. Эта работа общими силами пошла настолько успешно, что уже к концу 1902 года выяснилась полная возможность организовать турнир.
130435.00 руб.
Первые два годовых комплекта знаменитого чигоринского журнала "Шахматный листок" 1876-1877
Этот журнал выходил с 1876 по 1881 год. Это два комплекта первых двух лет публикации в одной книге.
1876: 1-4 из 4 журналов
1877: 1-12 из 12 журналов
151888.80 руб.
Конволют подписан Михаилом Чигориным.
1. Шахматы. 1891 выпуск: 1-32 Под редакцией М. Чигорина. Полный годовой комплект 2. Ежемесячный журнал "Шахматное обозрение" 1893 № № 26-29 август-октябрь 3. Капабланка. "Основы Шахматной Игры” Опубликовано: Ленинград 1924
3888.15 руб.
Вашему вниманию предлагается сборник партий самого известного и легендарного турнира в истории шахмат. Все сильнейшие шахматисты того времени - чемпион мира Эм.Ласкер, экс-чемпион В.Стейниц, а также М.Чигорин, З.Тарраш, К.Шлехтер, Д.Яновский и многие другие приняли в нем участие. А победа досталась малоизвестному тогда шахматисту Гарри Нельсону Пильсбери... Комментарии к поединкам принадлежат частью участникам турнира, частью – выдающимся советским мастерам и аналитикам. Роскошный, составной переплет. В отдельной вкладке на мелованной бумаге представлены фотографии всех участников турнира. Для широкого круга любителей шахмат.
Книга посвящена одному из величайших шахматистов в истории, участнику первого официального матча на первенство мира Иоганну Цукерторту. Высшей точкой его блистательной карьеры был триумф на крупнейшем международном турнире в Лондоне в 1883 году, где он занял первое место, обогнав на три(!) очка занявшего второе место Вильгельма Стейница. В последующем за ним матче на первенство мира Цукерторт лидировал со счетом 4:1, и, по мнению многих специалистов, только проблемы со здоровьем помешали ему стать первым в истории официальным чемпионом мира. Книга, по сути, делится на две части. Первая состоит из лучших статей и фрагментов, авторами которых являются в основном люди, хорошо знавшие Цукерторта, и дает полноценное представление о его личности. Во второй, и основной части книги, представлено наиболее полное на сегодняшний день собрание партий (более 300), прокомментированных главным образом им самим, а также его знаменитыми соперниками – Стейницем, Чигориным и др. О непреходящей ценности творчества Цукерторта свидетельствует тот факт, что многие его партии были прокомментированы впоследствии пятым чемпионом мира Максом Эйве. И.Цукерторт, ученик некоронованного чемпиона мира А.Андерсена, был приверженец романтических, комбинационных шахмат. Его партии бесспорно помогут Вам повысить мастерство и получить наслаждение от подлинных шедевров шахматного искусства.
Подарочное издание. Книга рассказывает о жизненном и творческом пути русского гения Михаила Чигорина, который по праву считается основоположником отечественной шахматной школы. Приводятся около 250 партий с комментариями прежде всего самого Чигорина, а также таких корифеев, как В.Стейниц, Е.Боголюбов, З.Тарраш, Г.Левенфиш и др. Книга в биографической части основана на знаменитом труде Грекова, но значительно пополнено собрание партий. Михаил Иванович намного опередил свое время и фактически играл в шахматы XXI века, а его немеркнущие идеи оказали огромное влияние на последующие поколения. Изучив эту книгу, вы значительно усилите свою игру и существенно пополните запас идей во всех стадиях партии. Для широкого круга любителей шахмат.
Шашки - моя жизнь Автор:
Цирик 3500.00 руб. -
Логика современных шахмат Автор:
Дыдышко 2900.00 руб. -
Зигберт Тарраш. Защита ферзевого гамбита: Критические исследования и таблицы. С многочисленными таблицами Автор:
Тарраш 2900.00 руб. -
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Школа шахмат Автор:
Авербах 600.00 руб. -
Шахматный набор The Chessmen. Война США - Великобритания 13000.00 руб.
Шахматный учебник. Партии-бриллианты Автор:
Сейраван 2500.00 руб. -
Малая энциклопедия шахматных дебютов. ABCDE (3-е издание) 7000.00 руб.
Антология шахматных проблем - 2345 Автор:
Ковачевич 4000.00 руб.