Caissa Editions Yorklyn
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Notes by Grekov and a host of great annotators including Lasker, Alekhine, Tartakower, Rabinovich, Burn, GrŸnfeld, Grigoriev, Levenfish, Romanovsky, Sozin, a.o., 382 pages. A tournament book worthy of this great event which was one of Alekhine's finest performances. Easily one of the best tournament books ever published in English with a cornucopia of great games from the golden age of hypermodern chess. Also included is a full translation of Alekhine's booklet (originally published in French) on the Theoretical Value of the Openings at Baden Baden 1925, along with surveys of the tournament by Tarrasch, Kmoch, Tartakower, Helms, Goetz, and Kagan. Won by Alekhine ahead of Rubinstein, SŠmisch, Bogoljubow, Marshall, Tartakover.
The two tournaments Buffalo 1894 and 1901 hitherto have remained obscure even though the brightest American chess star of the day, Harry Pillsbury, was a contestant in both. In addition, Pillsbury's chief rival in those days, Frank Marshall, was a contestant at Buffalo 1901, though in such poor form that he only finished fifth out of six players. Although neither of these tournaments are among the strongest held in the USA, each has a special significance in being a training ground for most of the best American players of that day. Buffalo 1894 was an important training event for Pillsbury, who only a year later won one of the greatest tournaments of all time. (Hastings 1895).
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