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Why should you play the King's Gambit? Well, there are many reasons: - The King's Gambit is a dynamic attacking system, and sharpens our instinct for the fine balance between time, structure, and material. - Only one opening is needed after 1.e4 e5, and that is 2.f4!. Forget trying to memorize the Philidor, the Petroff, the Ruy Lopez, and the Latvian Gambit. - The King's Gambit is great entertainment! It provides game after game of fun positions full of strategic and tactical complexities. - Finally, the King's Gambit is still a surprise weapon - especially the unusual and highly aggressive lines examined in this book! What is needed to play the King's Gambit with success? Above all, Creativity and the Will to Attack! And of course, The King's Gambit for the Creative Aggressor! Johansson is an imaginative Swedish enthusiast, whose re-search outlines a focused and promising repertoire for those seeking to win as White.
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