The Center: A Modern Strategy Guide
- ISBN: 978-83-945362-9-9
- Издательство: Chess Evolution
- Автор(ы): Mikhalchishin Adrian, Mohr Georg
- Год выпуска: 2016
- Язык: английский
- Формат: увеличенный
- Объем: 280
- Переплет: мягкий
Бумажная книга
2070 руб.
Мелованная бумага.
There is a blank spot in the huge world of chess literature: systematically presented middle- game. Therefore authors, both long-term chess trainers, decided to fi ll this vacuum. With a series of books about the middle-game, we would like to present different topics of chess tactics and strategy in a slightly different way. Books, which will be published in the coming years as part of the series, are planned to cover all frequently discussed themes, as well as many others topics - those about which chess players and also trainers usually do not think as deeply as they should in order to achieve better results. We are starting our series with a book about the center. We will take two different approaches to this topic: the classical one, which will help us to discover all fundamental knowledge about the center. This study is crucial for good understanding of chess. The second approach is more modern: we will think about the center more dynamically, through the eyes of a grandmaster, a practical chess player. We will try to copy this two-part structure in the future books, in which planning, analyzing, move decisions, pawn structures and various other topics will be discussed.
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