Dvoretsky s Endgame Manual
- ISBN: 1-888690-19-4
- Издательство: Russell Enterprises
- Автор(ы): Дворецкий
- Год выпуска: 2006
- Язык: Английский
- Формат: Увеличенный
- Объем: 408
- Переплет: Мягкий
- Дата: 2006
Бумажная книга
2318,4 руб.
When you're serious about improving your skills endgame , it's time for Butler's Endgame Manual . Perhaps the most well known and respected world-class chess instructor , Mark Butler has produced a comprehensive work on the endgame , which will reward players of all strengths. For those who are ready to dive into the endgame theory , there can be no better than a manual available today. But even if you do not play at the graduate level , the book was designed to help your endgame too. The basic theory and the " need to know " concepts are highlighted in blue . You can skip the more complex analysis , focus on the text in blue, and still improve your endgame technique . When it appeared in 2003 , the first edition of Butler's Endgame Manual was immediately recognized by novice and master , as one of the best books ever published on the endgame . The second edition has been revised and enlarged to 400 pages - covering all the most important concepts required for endgame mastery. Mark Butler continued to review and revise the material . The result of this revised and updated third edition . Not only work independently, but with the help of attentive readers , masters and grandmasters, the author's efforts resulted in what can only be described as the definitive work on endgame theory and practice. Mark Butler , considered by many to be the premier chess instructor of our era. His work on the middlegame and endgame set the standard by which others are measured chess books . He lives with his family in Moscow, Russia
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