Chess book: "Alexander Alekhine. A Party with Destiny". 2021.
The internationally recognized chess genius and the only world champion who died undefeated – Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhine is a national treasure of Russia. It was he who glorified the Russian chess school, which differed from other schools in its rejection of patterns and attitude to chess as a creative process, when the beauty and non-triviality of the game is put above victory. Alekhine is a phenomenon unique in the history of chess. The name of Alexander Alekhine is surrounded by mystery.
The book attempts to understand the mysteries that surround the life and death of the brilliant maestro, for which materials that were not previously published in Russian were used.
ISBN: 978-5-04-110450-4
Author (s): Zamlelova
Publisher: Eksmo
Language: Russian
Condition: NEW
Format: Regular
Pages: 222 p.
Binding: Hard
Date: 2021
Art.: MN
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