The magic of the intersection point (edition of 100 copies!) by Maskimov
- Автор(ы): Нечаев
- Дата: 2013
2262 руб.
All conflicts on the chessboard arise and are resolved at the points of intersection of the lines of action of the figures, figures and tails of the opposing sides. Therefore, the intersection point is an important landmark (beacon), indicating the possibility of launching an attack or the need to move to defense. It helps to understand the intricacies of the lines of the chessboard and the thoughts of chess players following them The book explores the victims of figures in the fields of dots and the ability to counteract them.
ISBN: 978-5-906565-13-6
Author (s): Maskimov
Publisher: Russian Chess House
Language: Russian
Condition: NEW
Format: Regular
Pages: 210 p.
Binding: Soft
Date: 2013
Art.: MN
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