Psychology of victories and defeats in the chess game by Nechaev
- Автор(ы): Нечаев
- Дата: 2022
678,6 руб.
A classic work on chess psychology. Its author is an outstanding Russian and Soviet psychologist, Doctor of Sciences, professor. Among the chapters of the book: "The influence of age and chess experience on the success of the game", "Fatigue and recuperation processes as factors of victories and defeats", "Suggestibility of chess players", "Imagination of chess players" ... The author examines the influence of the game on the development of individual processes of mental life (for example, attention processes) and on the entire personality of a chess player. For fans of psychology and chess.
ISBN: 979-5-94693-043-6
Author (s): Nechaev
Publisher: Russian Chess House
Language: Russian
Condition: NEW
Format: 14х10 cm
Pages: 96 p.
Binding: Soft
Date: 2022
Art.: MN
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