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    Гроссмейстер Карлос Торре – словно шахматная комета; его гений ослепительно вспыхнул и быстро погас на шахматном небосводе! Он – автор самой знаменитой «мельницы» в истории шахмат, в её безжалостные жернова попал 2-й чемпион мира Эмануил Ласкер. Авторы рассказали о жизни и творчестве мексиканского гения (в книге 25 прокомментированных партий К.Торре). Приводится книга Торре «Как формируется шахматист», очерк международного мастера Ярослава Призанта об атаке Торре в современной практике. В разделе «Сыграй как Торре» – 36 поучительных примеров из его практики для решения. В заключение дано интервью с Карлосом Торре, взятое у него Габриэлем Веласко в 1977 году. Работа с книгой доставит читателям не только эстетическое удовольствие, но и поможет повысить своё мастерство.

    550.00 руб.
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    «НАСТОЯЩИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ (ИНФОРМАЦИЯ) ПРОИЗВЕДЕН, РАСПРОСТРАНЕН И (ИЛИ) НАПРАВЛЕН Каспаров Гарри Кимович ЯВЛЯЮЩИМСЯ (УЧРЕДИТЕЛЕМ, ЧЛЕНОМ, УЧАСТНИКОМ, РУКОВОДИТЕЛЕМ ИЛИ ЛИЦОМ, ВХОДЯЩИМ В СОСТАВ ОРГАНА ЛИЦ, УКАЗАННЫХ в ч. 4 ст. 9 ФЗ «О КОНТРОЛЕ ЗА ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬЮ ЛИЦ, НАХОДЯЩИХСЯ ПОД ИНОСТРАННЫМ ВЛИЯНИЕМ»), ВКЛЮЧЕННОГО В РЕЕСТР ИНОСТРАННЫХ АГЕНТОВ»  Новейшая история развития шахматной игры. В пяти томах. Гарри Каспаров – многолетний лидер мировых шахмат, автор ряда бестселлеров. Пятитомник «Мои великие предшественники» создан им в сотрудничестве с известным шахматным журналистом и мастером Дмитрием Плисецким. Этот проект не имеет аналогов в шахматной литературе: 13-й чемпион мира рассказывает о судьбах и творчестве двенадцати предыдущих чемпионов и их соперников. Второй том посвящен четырем чемпионам мира - Эйве, Ботвиннику, Смыслову и Талю, а также претендентам на этот титул Кересу, Бронштейну и Геллеру. Перед вами второе издание, дополненное и кардинально переработанное. Вас ждет множество интересных находок, особенно в ключевых партиях матчей за мировую корону.

    1250.00 руб.
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    Авторы продолжают изучение типовых позиций дебюта и миттельшпиля. У Королевской крепости № 2 пешки находятся на полях f7, g6, h7 (или f2, g3, h2), и к ним обычно присоединяется еще один защитник – слон на g7 (g2). Такое построение называется фианкетто, оно встречается во многих популярных дебютах, таких как Каталонское начало, Староиндийская защита, защита Грюнфельда и ряде других.  Авторы подробно разбирают приемы атаки, защиты и контратаки. Большинство примеров – из творчества современных шахматистов (так, отдельная глава посвящена сильнейшему российскому гроссмейстеру Яну Непомнящему); их дополняют партии, ставшие классическим наследием. В книге около 300 позиций для самостоятельного решения, так что это не только учебник, но и солидный задачник. Гроссмейстер Константин Чернышов, руководитель Межрегиональной гроссмейстерской школы в Костроме, и его дочь международный мастер Наталья Карева – опытные тренеры, среди воспитанников которых есть гроссмейстеры и мастера, чемпионы России и Европы среди юниоров.  Книга адресована юным шахматистам и их наставникам. 

    600.00 руб.
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    Таль Михаил Нехемьевич (9.11.1936—28.06.1992) восьмой чемпион мира (1960—1961), международный гроссмейстер (1957). Чемпион Латвии 1953, 1965 гг. Чемпион СССР 1957, 1958, 1967, 1972, 1974, 1978 гг. Восьмикратный победитель Всемирных шахматных олимпиад в составе команды СССР, шестикратный чемпион Европы и трехкратный чемпион мира среди студентов в командном зачете. Победитель первого неофициального чемпионата мира по блицу (1988). Победитель межзональных турниров 1958, 1964, 1979 гг., турнира претендентов 1959 г., участник двух матчей на мировое первенство и семи матчей претендентов. Одержал победы в 44 международных турнирах. Наиболее полный сборник партий М. Таля рассчитан на широкий круг любителей шахмат.

    650.00 руб.
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    Данное учебное пособие адресовано тем, кто хочет самостоятельно научиться играть в шахматы и совершенствоваться дальше. Поурочный метод изложения, а также многочисленные упражнения способствуют последовательному усвоению правил и законов, составляющих основу шахматной игры. В книге собран обширный учебный материал, который подается читателю в соответствии с современными педагогическими принципами. Цель данного пособия - подготовка шахматистов III разряда (рейтинг до 1800). Учебник также может быть использован и для занятий в группах - он охватывает материал существующих программ первого года обучения в детских и юношеских шахматных школах.

    700.00 руб.
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    Решебник международного гроссмейстера и опытного тренера (в числе учеников которого А. Грищук) Максима Блоха содержит свыше 1200 комбинаций из практических партий и специально составленных примеров. Для всех заданий характерна напряженная борьба, в которой цель достигается единственными ходами. Книга предназначена как для юных и взрослых любителей, так и для мастеров. Расположение примеров по темам позволяет использовать книгу не только как задачник, но и как учебник. Особый интерес представляют свыше двухсот специально составленных автором сверхнапряженных позиций, в которых при ходе белых единственным путем выигрывают белые, а при ходе черных – черные. Эти примеры, а также свыше 50 фрагментов из партий автора и его учеников, публикуются впервые.

    650.00 руб.
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    Самый юный перворазрядник в СССР, чемпион мира среди юношей, участник турнира претендентов в 19 лет – взлет Бориса Спасского был стремительным. А затем судьба устроила гениальному шахматисту проверку на прочность: дважды оступался он в решающий момент и оставался за порогом межзональных турниров… Лишь через десять лет после первого своего большого успеха Спасский сумел пройти все отборочные испытания и заслужить право на матч за корону, однако одолеть Железного Тиграна Петросяна с первого раза не сумел. Понадобились еще три года сверхусилий: путем Сизифа поднялся он вновь к подножию Олимпа и второй шанс уже не упустил – в 1969 году стал Десятым королем шахмат! Очерк о жизни Бориса Васильевича и его спортивном пути, полном взлетов и падений, написал кандидат исторических наук, куратор Музея шахмат Федерации шахмат России Дмитрий Олейников. 70 красивых и поучительных партий Спасского прокомментировали чемпион России 1993 года, известный автор и теоретик гроссмейстер Алексей Безгодов, а также гроссмейстер Дмитрий Кряквин и мастер ФИДЕ Стив Гиддинс. Предисловие написал 14-й чемпион мира Владимир Крамник.  Для широкого круга любителей шахмат.

    650.00 руб.
  • Шахматы были изобретены в V веке нашей эры в Индии и распространились по всему миру. Уникальность этой игры в том, что она до сих пор охватывает умы всех - от мала до велика! Шахматы сочетают в себе элементы науки и спорта. Они развивают логику, усидчивость, внимательность, аналитическое мышление и память.  Шашки - веселая, динамичная и сравнительно несложная игра. Она есть в каждой стране мира. Здесь сравнительно проще найти партнера, нежели в шахматах. Нарды – одна из старейших известных настольных игр. Известно, что она пришла к нам с Востока. Для начала, необходимо освоить основные техники, чтобы потом смело во время партии применять различные хитрости.  Длина клетки: 4,5 см. Высота Короля: 8,8 см. Диаметр основания Короля: 2,8 см. Длина и ширина поля в развернутом виде: 44 Х 44 см. Материал: дерево Страна-производитель: Китай.

    2450.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    В своей новой книге гроссмейстер Зенон Франко глубоко анализирует 69 поучительных побед 11-го чемпиона мира Роберта Фишера. Книга не перегружена вариантами, акцент – на подробных объяснениях в стиле «ход за ходом», что формирует идеальную платформу для изучения шахмат. В «опорных» точках каждой партии читателю предлагаются тестовые вопросы, что помогает и практическому изучению ключевых приемов шахматной игры, и надежному усвоению обретаемых знаний. Вопросы и ответы вовлекают читателя в процесс обучения и помогают ему отслеживать рост своей шахматной силы. В приложении дан критический разбор неудовлетворительного перевода знаменитой книги Роберта Фишера "Мои 60 памятных партий".

    700.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    «Я играю в шахматы около пятидесяти лет, из них свыше тридцати – на высшем уровне. Наверное, пришло время поделиться самыми памятными встречами. В первый том вошли партии, сыгранные в XX веке» (Б. Гельфанд).   Бориса Гельфанда отличает огромная любовь к шахматам, и с годами преданность игре становится только сильнее. У замечательного гроссмейстера накопилось так много ярких и поучительных партий, что сборник избранного творчества пришлось разделить на два тома. Наслаждайтесь красивыми поединками и глубокими комментариями!   Для широкого круга любителей шахмат.

    600.00 руб.
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    980.20 руб.


    Aleksandr Roshal  and Florencio Basa Campomanes (FIDE president)   Size: approx. 13,5x9art pk5

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    1885.00 руб.


    Size: approx. 17x10 cmArt PK4

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    2262.00 руб.


    Size: approx. 18x13 cmArt PK4  

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    2262.00 руб.


    This photo is from the archive of “Chess in the USSR’ journalSize: approx. 18.5x13 cm25Art PK5

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    2639.00 руб.


    ORIGINAL SOVIET CHESS PHOTO FROM 12TH USSR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP IN 1940 YEAR.  SIZE OF THE PHOTO – 8,5 cm x 5,5 cm 12TH SOVIET CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP:   This is a photograph from the famous 12th Soviet Chess Championship held in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory from September 4th through October 3rd, 1940. The 12th Soviet Chess Championship was truly a battle of the titans. Outstanding players such as Mikhail Botvinnik, Paul Keres, Vasily Smyslov, Alexander Kotov, Isaac Boleslavsky, Igor Bondarevsky, and Andre Lilienthal took part. This so-called "absolute championship" is rightfully considered one of the strongest USSR chess championships ever held. Here’s an excerpt from Mikhail Botvinnik’s memoirs. "It was a tough tournament. There were many participants and very few off-days. The Grand Hall of the Conservatory has excellent acoustics. The spectators behaved impudently, made a great deal of noise, and clapped all the time. The excellent acoustics only made matters worse. Supposedly, Sergei Prokofiev applauded Keres vigorously after the latter won a game. The other people in his box reprimanded him,, and then the composer remarked, "I have every right to express my feelings." Would my friend Mr. Prokofiev be happy if he were playing a trio and spectators applauding the violinist’s performance drowned out his piano piece? Chess players are in a worse position, though. A pianist can afford to play a few false notes amid booming applause, something a chess player isn’t allowed to do." The results of the 12th Soviet Chess Championship were truly sensational, since two young players, Andre Lilienthal and Igor Bondarevsky, came in first and second, respectively, leaving grandmasters Mikhail Botvinnik and Paul Keres, the tournament favorites, far behind. The unprecedented hype surrounding this tournament matched its historical significance. After all, the unofficial right to contend for the world championship crown, as well as the prestigious title of USSR champion were on the line. "The most difficult and most monumental tournament in which I’ve ever taken part has come to a close," Andre Lilienthal wrote. "I have no reason to be displeased with myself. First off, my win over Botvinnik himself wasn’t too bad. Secondly, I snatched what seemed to be an irrevocably lost point from Bondarevsky in the last round. Thirdly, I managed not to lose a single game. Fourthly, I wound up in the wonderful young company of Bondarevsky and Smyslov at the top of the leaderboard. A decisive match for the title of USSR champion is up next. I have to prepare thoroughly for it, which, first and foremost, means getting some much needed rest." Three months after the tournament was completed, on January 14th, 1991, the Soviet Committee on Physical Culture and Sports issued an order approving the tournament results and awarding Bondarevsky and Lilienthal, the tournament winners, grandmaster titles; however, this order was missing a key point, since it did not mention any sort of match between the two victors. That strange inconsistency came to light a month later when it was decided - through a behind-the-scenes power struggle - that one more tournament for the title of absolute USSR champion would be held, a tournament Mikhail Botvinnik won.   PK7

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    3393.00 руб.


    Vladimir Mikhailovich Petrov (1908 - 1943) - Latvian and Soviet chess player. Was repressed during the Great Patriotic War. ORIGINAL SOVIET CHESS PHOTO FROM 12TH USSR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP IN 1940 YEAR.  SIZE OF THE PHOTO – 5,5 cm x 8 cm 12TH SOVIET CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP:   This is a photograph from the famous 12th Soviet Chess Championship held in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory from September 4th through October 3rd, 1940. The 12th Soviet Chess Championship was truly a battle of the titans. Outstanding players such as Mikhail Botvinnik, Paul Keres, Vasily Smyslov, Alexander Kotov, Isaac Boleslavsky, Igor Bondarevsky, and Andre Lilienthal took part. This so-called "absolute championship" is rightfully considered one of the strongest USSR chess championships ever held. Here’s an excerpt from Mikhail Botvinnik’s memoirs. "It was a tough tournament. There were many participants and very few off-days. The Grand Hall of the Conservatory has excellent acoustics. The spectators behaved impudently, made a great deal of noise, and clapped all the time. The excellent acoustics only made matters worse. Supposedly, Sergei Prokofiev applauded Keres vigorously after the latter won a game. The other people in his box reprimanded him,, and then the composer remarked, "I have every right to express my feelings." Would my friend Mr. Prokofiev be happy if he were playing a trio and spectators applauding the violinist’s performance drowned out his piano piece? Chess players are in a worse position, though. A pianist can afford to play a few false notes amid booming applause, something a chess player isn’t allowed to do." The results of the 12th Soviet Chess Championship were truly sensational, since two young players, Andre Lilienthal and Igor Bondarevsky, came in first and second, respectively, leaving grandmasters Mikhail Botvinnik and Paul Keres, the tournament favorites, far behind. The unprecedented hype surrounding this tournament matched its historical significance. After all, the unofficial right to contend for the world championship crown, as well as the prestigious title of USSR champion were on the line. "The most difficult and most monumental tournament in which I’ve ever taken part has come to a close," Andre Lilienthal wrote. "I have no reason to be displeased with myself. First off, my win over Botvinnik himself wasn’t too bad. Secondly, I snatched what seemed to be an irrevocably lost point from Bondarevsky in the last round. Thirdly, I managed not to lose a single game. Fourthly, I wound up in the wonderful young company of Bondarevsky and Smyslov at the top of the leaderboard. A decisive match for the title of USSR champion is up next. I have to prepare thoroughly for it, which, first and foremost, means getting some much needed rest." Three months after the tournament was completed, on January 14th, 1991, the Soviet Committee on Physical Culture and Sports issued an order approving the tournament results and awarding Bondarevsky and Lilienthal, the tournament winners, grandmaster titles; however, this order was missing a key point, since it did not mention any sort of match between the two victors. That strange inconsistency came to light a month later when it was decided - through a behind-the-scenes power struggle - that one more tournament for the title of absolute USSR champion would be held, a tournament Mikhail Botvinnik won.   Арт ПК7

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    2639.00 руб.


    ORIGINAL SOVIET CHESS PHOTO FROM 12TH USSR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP IN 1940 YEAR.  SIZE OF THE PHOTO – 8,5 cm x 5,5 cm 12TH SOVIET CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP:   This is a photograph from the famous 12th Soviet Chess Championship held in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory from September 4th through October 3rd, 1940. The 12th Soviet Chess Championship was truly a battle of the titans. Outstanding players such as Mikhail Botvinnik, Paul Keres, Vasily Smyslov, Alexander Kotov, Isaac Boleslavsky, Igor Bondarevsky, and Andre Lilienthal took part. This so-called "absolute championship" is rightfully considered one of the strongest USSR chess championships ever held. Here’s an excerpt from Mikhail Botvinnik’s memoirs. "It was a tough tournament. There were many participants and very few off-days. The Grand Hall of the Conservatory has excellent acoustics. The spectators behaved impudently, made a great deal of noise, and clapped all the time. The excellent acoustics only made matters worse. Supposedly, Sergei Prokofiev applauded Keres vigorously after the latter won a game. The other people in his box reprimanded him,, and then the composer remarked, "I have every right to express my feelings." Would my friend Mr. Prokofiev be happy if he were playing a trio and spectators applauding the violinist’s performance drowned out his piano piece? Chess players are in a worse position, though. A pianist can afford to play a few false notes amid booming applause, something a chess player isn’t allowed to do." The results of the 12th Soviet Chess Championship were truly sensational, since two young players, Andre Lilienthal and Igor Bondarevsky, came in first and second, respectively, leaving grandmasters Mikhail Botvinnik and Paul Keres, the tournament favorites, far behind. The unprecedented hype surrounding this tournament matched its historical significance. After all, the unofficial right to contend for the world championship crown, as well as the prestigious title of USSR champion were on the line. "The most difficult and most monumental tournament in which I’ve ever taken part has come to a close," Andre Lilienthal wrote. "I have no reason to be displeased with myself. First off, my win over Botvinnik himself wasn’t too bad. Secondly, I snatched what seemed to be an irrevocably lost point from Bondarevsky in the last round. Thirdly, I managed not to lose a single game. Fourthly, I wound up in the wonderful young company of Bondarevsky and Smyslov at the top of the leaderboard. A decisive match for the title of USSR champion is up next. I have to prepare thoroughly for it, which, first and foremost, means getting some much needed rest." Three months after the tournament was completed, on January 14th, 1991, the Soviet Committee on Physical Culture and Sports issued an order approving the tournament results and awarding Bondarevsky and Lilienthal, the tournament winners, grandmaster titles; however, this order was missing a key point, since it did not mention any sort of match between the two victors. That strange inconsistency came to light a month later when it was decided - through a behind-the-scenes power struggle - that one more tournament for the title of absolute USSR champion would be held, a tournament Mikhail Botvinnik won.   PK7

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    2639.00 руб.


    ORIGINAL SOVIET CHESS PHOTO FROM 12TH USSR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP IN 1940 YEAR.  SIZE OF THE PHOTO – 7,5 cm x 5 cm 12TH SOVIET CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP:   This is a photograph from the famous 12th Soviet Chess Championship held in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory from September 4th through October 3rd, 1940. The 12th Soviet Chess Championship was truly a battle of the titans. Outstanding players such as Mikhail Botvinnik, Paul Keres, Vasily Smyslov, Alexander Kotov, Isaac Boleslavsky, Igor Bondarevsky, and Andre Lilienthal took part. This so-called "absolute championship" is rightfully considered one of the strongest USSR chess championships ever held. Here’s an excerpt from Mikhail Botvinnik’s memoirs. "It was a tough tournament. There were many participants and very few off-days. The Grand Hall of the Conservatory has excellent acoustics. The spectators behaved impudently, made a great deal of noise, and clapped all the time. The excellent acoustics only made matters worse. Supposedly, Sergei Prokofiev applauded Keres vigorously after the latter won a game. The other people in his box reprimanded him,, and then the composer remarked, "I have every right to express my feelings." Would my friend Mr. Prokofiev be happy if he were playing a trio and spectators applauding the violinist’s performance drowned out his piano piece? Chess players are in a worse position, though. A pianist can afford to play a few false notes amid booming applause, something a chess player isn’t allowed to do." The results of the 12th Soviet Chess Championship were truly sensational, since two young players, Andre Lilienthal and Igor Bondarevsky, came in first and second, respectively, leaving grandmasters Mikhail Botvinnik and Paul Keres, the tournament favorites, far behind. The unprecedented hype surrounding this tournament matched its historical significance. After all, the unofficial right to contend for the world championship crown, as well as the prestigious title of USSR champion were on the line. "The most difficult and most monumental tournament in which I’ve ever taken part has come to a close," Andre Lilienthal wrote. "I have no reason to be displeased with myself. First off, my win over Botvinnik himself wasn’t too bad. Secondly, I snatched what seemed to be an irrevocably lost point from Bondarevsky in the last round. Thirdly, I managed not to lose a single game. Fourthly, I wound up in the wonderful young company of Bondarevsky and Smyslov at the top of the leaderboard. A decisive match for the title of USSR champion is up next. I have to prepare thoroughly for it, which, first and foremost, means getting some much needed rest." Three months after the tournament was completed, on January 14th, 1991, the Soviet Committee on Physical Culture and Sports issued an order approving the tournament results and awarding Bondarevsky and Lilienthal, the tournament winners, grandmaster titles; however, this order was missing a key point, since it did not mention any sort of match between the two victors. That strange inconsistency came to light a month later when it was decided - through a behind-the-scenes power struggle - that one more tournament for the title of absolute USSR champion would be held, a tournament Mikhail Botvinnik won.   PK7

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    2262.00 руб.


    ORIGINAL SOVIET CHESS PHOTO FROM 12TH USSR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP IN 1940 YEAR.  SIZE OF THE PHOTO – 4,4cm x 5,2 cm   12TH SOVIET CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP:   This is a photograph from the famous 12th Soviet Chess Championship held in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory from September 4th through October 3rd, 1940. The 12th Soviet Chess Championship was truly a battle of the titans. Outstanding players such as Mikhail Botvinnik, Paul Keres, Vasily Smyslov, Alexander Kotov, Isaac Boleslavsky, Igor Bondarevsky, and Andre Lilienthal took part. This so-called "absolute championship" is rightfully considered one of the strongest USSR chess championships ever held. Here’s an excerpt from Mikhail Botvinnik’s memoirs. "It was a tough tournament. There were many participants and very few off-days. The Grand Hall of the Conservatory has excellent acoustics. The spectators behaved impudently, made a great deal of noise, and clapped all the time. The excellent acoustics only made matters worse. Supposedly, Sergei Prokofiev applauded Keres vigorously after the latter won a game. The other people in his box reprimanded him,, and then the composer remarked, "I have every right to express my feelings." Would my friend Mr. Prokofiev be happy if he were playing a trio and spectators applauding the violinist’s performance drowned out his piano piece? Chess players are in a worse position, though. A pianist can afford to play a few false notes amid booming applause, something a chess player isn’t allowed to do." The results of the 12th Soviet Chess Championship were truly sensational, since two young players, Andre Lilienthal and Igor Bondarevsky, came in first and second, respectively, leaving grandmasters Mikhail Botvinnik and Paul Keres, the tournament favorites, far behind. The unprecedented hype surrounding this tournament matched its historical significance. After all, the unofficial right to contend for the world championship crown, as well as the prestigious title of USSR champion were on the line. "The most difficult and most monumental tournament in which I’ve ever taken part has come to a close," Andre Lilienthal wrote. "I have no reason to be displeased with myself. First off, my win over Botvinnik himself wasn’t too bad. Secondly, I snatched what seemed to be an irrevocably lost point from Bondarevsky in the last round. Thirdly, I managed not to lose a single game. Fourthly, I wound up in the wonderful young company of Bondarevsky and Smyslov at the top of the leaderboard. A decisive match for the title of USSR champion is up next. I have to prepare thoroughly for it, which, first and foremost, means getting some much needed rest." Three months after the tournament was completed, on January 14th, 1991, the Soviet Committee on Physical Culture and Sports issued an order approving the tournament results and awarding Bondarevsky and Lilienthal, the tournament winners, grandmaster titles; however, this order was missing a key point, since it did not mention any sort of match between the two victors. That strange inconsistency came to light a month later when it was decided - through a behind-the-scenes power struggle - that one more tournament for the title of absolute USSR champion would be held, a tournament Mikhail Botvinnik won.   PK7

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    3016.00 руб.


    12th USSR Chess Championship, 1940: Keres – Stolberg Dimensions: 8 * 5 cm  Mark Moiseevich Stolberg— Soviet chess player, master sport the USSR (1939). In late 1940 he was drafted into the army. The participant of the great Patriotic war. Went missing during the crossing of the Kerch Strait during the Kerch-Feodosia landing operation.   This is a photograph from the famous 12th Soviet Chess Championship held in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory from September 4th through October 3rd, 1940. The 12th Soviet Chess Championship was truly a battle of the titans. Outstanding players such as Mikhail Botvinnik, Paul Keres, Vasily Smyslov, Alexander Kotov, Isaac Boleslavsky, Igor Bondarevsky, and Andre Lilienthal took part. This so-called "absolute championship" is rightfully considered one of the strongest USSR chess championships ever held. Here’s an excerpt from Mikhail Botvinnik’s memoirs. "It was a tough tournament. There were many participants and very few off-days. The Grand Hall of the Conservatory has excellent acoustics. The spectators behaved impudently, made a great deal of noise, and clapped all the time. The excellent acoustics only made matters worse. Supposedly, Sergei Prokofiev applauded Keres vigorously after the latter won a game. The other people in his box reprimanded him,, and then the composer remarked, "I have every right to express my feelings." Would my friend Mr. Prokofiev be happy if he were playing a trio and spectators applauding the violinist’s performance drowned out his piano piece? Chess players are in a worse position, though. A pianist can afford to play a few false notes amid booming applause, something a chess player isn’t allowed to do." The results of the 12th Soviet Chess Championship were truly sensational, since two young players, Andre Lilienthal and Igor Bondarevsky, came in first and second, respectively, leaving grandmasters Mikhail Botvinnik and Paul Keres, the tournament favorites, far behind. The unprecedented hype surrounding this tournament matched its historical significance. After all, the unofficial right to contend for the world championship crown, as well as the prestigious title of USSR champion were on the line. "The most difficult and most monumental tournament in which I’ve ever taken part has come to a close," Andre Lilienthal wrote. "I have no reason to be displeased with myself. First off, my win over Botvinnik himself wasn’t too bad. Secondly, I snatched what seemed to be an irrevocably lost point from Bondarevsky in the last round. Thirdly, I managed not to lose a single game. Fourthly, I wound up in the wonderful young company of Bondarevsky and Smyslov at the top of the leaderboard. A decisive match for the title of USSR champion is up next. I have to prepare thoroughly for it, which, first and foremost, means getting some much needed rest." Three months after the tournament was completed, on January 14th, 1991, the Soviet Committee on Physical Culture and Sports issued an order approving the tournament results and awarding Bondarevsky and Lilienthal, the tournament winners, grandmaster titles; however, this order was missing a key point, since it did not mention any sort of match between the two victors. That strange inconsistency came to light a month later when it was decided - through a behind-the-scenes power struggle - that one more tournament for the title of absolute USSR champion would be held, a tournament Mikhail Botvinnik won. Art PK4

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    3016.00 руб.


    ORIGINAL SOVIET CHESS PHOTO FROM 12TH USSR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP IN 1940 YEAR.  SIZE OF THE PHOTO – 8,5 cm x 5,5 cm  12TH SOVIET CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP:   This is a photograph from the famous 12th Soviet Chess Championship held in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory from September 4th through October 3rd, 1940. The 12th Soviet Chess Championship was truly a battle of the titans. Outstanding players such as Mikhail Botvinnik, Paul Keres, Vasily Smyslov, Alexander Kotov, Isaac Boleslavsky, Igor Bondarevsky, and Andre Lilienthal took part. This so-called "absolute championship" is rightfully considered one of the strongest USSR chess championships ever held. Here’s an excerpt from Mikhail Botvinnik’s memoirs. "It was a tough tournament. There were many participants and very few off-days. The Grand Hall of the Conservatory has excellent acoustics. The spectators behaved impudently, made a great deal of noise, and clapped all the time. The excellent acoustics only made matters worse. Supposedly, Sergei Prokofiev applauded Keres vigorously after the latter won a game. The other people in his box reprimanded him,, and then the composer remarked, "I have every right to express my feelings." Would my friend Mr. Prokofiev be happy if he were playing a trio and spectators applauding the violinist’s performance drowned out his piano piece? Chess players are in a worse position, though. A pianist can afford to play a few false notes amid booming applause, something a chess player isn’t allowed to do." The results of the 12th Soviet Chess Championship were truly sensational, since two young players, Andre Lilienthal and Igor Bondarevsky, came in first and second, respectively, leaving grandmasters Mikhail Botvinnik and Paul Keres, the tournament favorites, far behind. The unprecedented hype surrounding this tournament matched its historical significance. After all, the unofficial right to contend for the world championship crown, as well as the prestigious title of USSR champion were on the line. "The most difficult and most monumental tournament in which I’ve ever taken part has come to a close," Andre Lilienthal wrote. "I have no reason to be displeased with myself. First off, my win over Botvinnik himself wasn’t too bad. Secondly, I snatched what seemed to be an irrevocably lost point from Bondarevsky in the last round. Thirdly, I managed not to lose a single game. Fourthly, I wound up in the wonderful young company of Bondarevsky and Smyslov at the top of the leaderboard. A decisive match for the title of USSR champion is up next. I have to prepare thoroughly for it, which, first and foremost, means getting some much needed rest." Three months after the tournament was completed, on January 14th, 1991, the Soviet Committee on Physical Culture and Sports issued an order approving the tournament results and awarding Bondarevsky and Lilienthal, the tournament winners, grandmaster titles; however, this order was missing a key point, since it did not mention any sort of match between the two victors. That strange inconsistency came to light a month later when it was decided - through a behind-the-scenes power struggle - that one more tournament for the title of absolute USSR champion would be held, a tournament Mikhail Botvinnik won.   PK7

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    2639.00 руб.


    ORIGINAL SOVIET CHESS PHOTO FROM 12TH USSR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP IN 1940 YEAR.Boleslavsky – Lilienthal Lilienthal winner of this tournament. 1940  SIZE OF THE PHOTO – 8,5 cm x 5,5 cm 12TH SOVIET CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP:   This is a photograph from the famous 12th Soviet Chess Championship held in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory from September 4th through October 3rd, 1940. The 12th Soviet Chess Championship was truly a battle of the titans. Outstanding players such as Mikhail Botvinnik, Paul Keres, Vasily Smyslov, Alexander Kotov, Isaac Boleslavsky, Igor Bondarevsky, and Andre Lilienthal took part. This so-called "absolute championship" is rightfully considered one of the strongest USSR chess championships ever held. Here’s an excerpt from Mikhail Botvinnik’s memoirs. "It was a tough tournament. There were many participants and very few off-days. The Grand Hall of the Conservatory has excellent acoustics. The spectators behaved impudently, made a great deal of noise, and clapped all the time. The excellent acoustics only made matters worse. Supposedly, Sergei Prokofiev applauded Keres vigorously after the latter won a game. The other people in his box reprimanded him,, and then the composer remarked, "I have every right to express my feelings." Would my friend Mr. Prokofiev be happy if he were playing a trio and spectators applauding the violinist’s performance drowned out his piano piece? Chess players are in a worse position, though. A pianist can afford to play a few false notes amid booming applause, something a chess player isn’t allowed to do." The results of the 12th Soviet Chess Championship were truly sensational, since two young players, Andre Lilienthal and Igor Bondarevsky, came in first and second, respectively, leaving grandmasters Mikhail Botvinnik and Paul Keres, the tournament favorites, far behind. The unprecedented hype surrounding this tournament matched its historical significance. After all, the unofficial right to contend for the world championship crown, as well as the prestigious title of USSR champion were on the line. "The most difficult and most monumental tournament in which I’ve ever taken part has come to a close," Andre Lilienthal wrote. "I have no reason to be displeased with myself. First off, my win over Botvinnik himself wasn’t too bad. Secondly, I snatched what seemed to be an irrevocably lost point from Bondarevsky in the last round. Thirdly, I managed not to lose a single game. Fourthly, I wound up in the wonderful young company of Bondarevsky and Smyslov at the top of the leaderboard. A decisive match for the title of USSR champion is up next. I have to prepare thoroughly for it, which, first and foremost, means getting some much needed rest." Three months after the tournament was completed, on January 14th, 1991, the Soviet Committee on Physical Culture and Sports issued an order approving the tournament results and awarding Bondarevsky and Lilienthal, the tournament winners, grandmaster titles; however, this order was missing a key point, since it did not mention any sort of match between the two victors. That strange inconsistency came to light a month later when it was decided - through a behind-the-scenes power struggle - that one more tournament for the title of absolute USSR champion would be held, a tournament Mikhail Botvinnik won.   PK7