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  • Автор:

    Юрий Рафаэлович Дохоян (1964-2021) – гроссмейстер, заслуженный тренер России, сеньор-тренер ФИДЕ. Более 10 лет являлся тренером-секундантом Гарри Каспарова, а также тренировал сестер Татьяну и Надежду Косинцевых, Сергея Карякина и Андрея Есипенко, был главным тренером женской и мужской сборных России.   Федерация шахмат России и Елена Дохоян благодарят всех, кто принял участие в создании книги памяти. Это 13-й чемпион мира Гарри Каспаров и журналист Дмитрий Плисецкий, руководители Федерации шахмат России разных лет Александр Бах, Илья Левитов и Марк Глуховский, ученики Юрия Дохояна – Надежда и Татьяна Косинцевы, Сергей Карякин, Андрей Есипенко, 14-й чемпион мира Владимир Крамник, 12-я чемпионка мира Александра Костенюк, друзья и коллеги – Михаил Ходарковский, Кирилл Зангалис, гроссмейстеры Евгений Бареев, Сергей Кишнев, Игорь Зайцев, Александр Мотылев, Александр Грищук, Ян Непомнящий, Владимир Поткин.   Для широкого круга любителей шахмат

    600.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    Таль Михаил Нехемьевич (9.11.1936—28.06.1992) восьмой чемпион мира (1960—1961), международный гроссмейстер (1957). Чемпион Латвии 1953, 1965 гг. Чемпион СССР 1957, 1958, 1967, 1972, 1974, 1978 гг. Восьмикратный победитель Всемирных шахматных олимпиад в составе команды СССР, шестикратный чемпион Европы и трехкратный чемпион мира среди студентов в командном зачете. Победитель первого неофициального чемпионата мира по блицу (1988). Победитель межзональных турниров 1958, 1964, 1979 гг., турнира претендентов 1959 г., участник двух матчей на мировое первенство и семи матчей претендентов. Одержал победы в 44 международных турнирах. Наиболее полный сборник партий М. Таля рассчитан на широкий круг любителей шахмат.

    650.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    В учебном пособии рассматривается один из наиболее успешных этапов в карьере 16 чемпиона мира Магнуса Карлсена - турниры 2019 года и матч на первенство мира с Яном Непомнящим. Приведены анализы миттельшпильных позиций для ряда дебютных систем, применяемых Карлсеном. Книга будет полезна тренерам и квалифицированным шахматистам Тираж 400 экз.

    575.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    Данное учебное пособие адресовано тем, кто хочет самостоятельно научиться играть в шахматы и совершенствоваться дальше. Поурочный метод изложения, а также многочисленные упражнения способствуют последовательному усвоению правил и законов, составляющих основу шахматной игры. В книге собран обширный учебный материал, который подается читателю в соответствии с современными педагогическими принципами. Цель данного пособия - подготовка шахматистов III разряда (рейтинг до 1800). Учебник также может быть использован и для занятий в группах - он охватывает материал существующих программ первого года обучения в детских и юношеских шахматных школах.

    700.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    «Идея продолжения автобиографической книги «Ступени» витала в воздухе практически с момента ее написания. Несмотря на жирную точку в конце книги в виде победы над Магнусом Карлсеном, моя шахматная карьера продолжалась еще полноценных 14 лет, а последующая бурная общественно-политическая карьера только набирает обороты…» (В. Бологан).  Книга содержит 75 подробно прокомментированных партий и ряд фрагментов. Откровенный рассказ о жизненном и профессиональном пути, о сотрудничестве с ведущими гроссмейстерами и тренерами мира (среди них – А. Карпов, Г. Каспаров, Ю. Полгар, Жу Чен, Р. Пономарев, А. Широв, А. Морозевич, А. Онищук, А. Рязанцев, Э. Инаркиев, М. Аль-Мудахка, М. Дворецкий, М. Подгаец, В. Чебаненко, З. Ланка и другие), о политической деятельности в Парламенте Молдовы и о работе в ФИДЕ дополняют многочисленные фотографии.  Для широкого круга любителей шахмат.

    1100.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    Королевская крепость – оборонительная позиция короля в дебюте и миттельшпиле. Ее стены определяет пешечная структура: у крепости № 1 пешки находятся в начальном положении, то есть на f7, g7, h7 (или f2, g2, h2). Авторы подробно объясняют, как атаковать и как защищать эту крепость, в каких дебютах она встречается. Классические примеры, которые необходимо знать каждому культурному шахматисту, перемежаются эпизодами из партий наших современников. В книге около 300 позиций для самостоятельного решения, так что это не только учебник, но и солидный задачник. Гроссмейстер Константин Чернышов, руководитель Межрегиональной гроссмейстерской школы в Костроме, и его дочь международный мастер Наталья Карева – опытные тренеры, среди воспитанников которых есть гроссмейстеры и мастера, чемпионы России и Европы среди юниоров.  Книга, посвященная светлой памяти выдающегося тренера гроссмейстера Людмилы Сергеевны Белавенец (1940-2021), адресована юным шахматистам и их наставникам.

    632.50 руб.
  • Шахматы были изобретены в V веке нашей эры в Индии и распространились по всему миру. Уникальность этой игры в том, что она до сих пор охватывает умы всех - от мала до велика! Шахматы сочетают в себе элементы науки и спорта. Они развивают логику, усидчивость, внимательность, аналитическое мышление и память.  Шашки - веселая, динамичная и сравнительно несложная игра. Она есть в каждой стране мира. Здесь сравнительно проще найти партнера, нежели в шахматах. Нарды – одна из старейших известных настольных игр. Известно, что она пришла к нам с Востока. Для начала, необходимо освоить основные техники, чтобы потом смело во время партии применять различные хитрости.  Длина клетки: 4,5 см. Высота Короля: 8,8 см. Диаметр основания Короля: 2,8 см. Длина и ширина поля в развернутом виде: 44 Х 44 см. Материал: дерево Страна-производитель: Китай.

    2450.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    «Я играю в шахматы около пятидесяти лет, из них свыше тридцати – на высшем уровне. Наверное, пришло время поделиться самыми памятными встречами. В первый том вошли партии, сыгранные в XX веке» (Б. Гельфанд).   Бориса Гельфанда отличает огромная любовь к шахматам, и с годами преданность игре становится только сильнее. У замечательного гроссмейстера накопилось так много ярких и поучительных партий, что сборник избранного творчества пришлось разделить на два тома. Наслаждайтесь красивыми поединками и глубокими комментариями!   Для широкого круга любителей шахмат.

    600.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    Учебник опытного тренера международного мастера Анастасии Геллер посвящен нападению на короля. Читатель научится ставить шахи и защищаться от них наилучшим образом, а также полностью освоит один из самых важных тактических элементов шахмат – мат в 1 ход! Книга содержит 2000 задач, большая часть из которых посвящена мату в 1 ход – начиная с простейших матов одной фигурой и завершая матованием с применением сразу нескольких тактических приемов. Большинство позиций для решения отобрано из практических партий сильнейших гроссмейстеров современности и великих мастеров прошлого.

    690.00 руб.
  • Автор:

    Решебник международного гроссмейстера и опытного тренера (в числе учеников которого А. Грищук) Максима Блоха содержит свыше 1200 комбинаций из практических партий и специально составленных примеров. Для всех заданий характерна напряженная борьба, в которой цель достигается единственными ходами. Книга предназначена как для юных и взрослых любителей, так и для мастеров. Расположение примеров по темам позволяет использовать книгу не только как задачник, но и как учебник. Особый интерес представляют свыше двухсот специально составленных автором сверхнапряженных позиций, в которых при ходе белых единственным путем выигрывают белые, а при ходе черных – черные. Эти примеры, а также свыше 50 фрагментов из партий автора и его учеников, публикуются впервые.

    650.00 руб.
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    2639.00 руб.


    This is a gift edition. Coated paper. Metal corners. Author: Mark Taimanov Title: Remembering the Best Ones Published: Saint-Petersburg, 2010 Binding: Hardback Language: Russian Pages: 216   In a colorful and bright kaleidoscope of meetings, acquaintances, events can not be the classical unity of place and time. And significance. Something flashed, leaving a barely noticeable trace in memory, which turned out to be something important stuck out. Some travelers remained what is called `nodding`. Others have grown into long-term friendship. Of course, meetings with prominent political figures are of a special nature - they seem, perhaps, the most unusual, curious, sometimes very flattering, but mostly accidental. The art world is different. With colleagues contacts and deeper, and more lasting, but, too, usually episodic - life, tour scatter in time and space. But with colleagues across the chess weapons is often attributed to years, if not decades. Joint trips, long tournaments, training, where you live for a long time side by side and together `eat poods of salt`, determine a special degree of mutual awareness and spiritual openness. The character of the impressions sunk into memory is also incomparable - from watercolor sketches to monumental paintings. I hope the reader will not complain about the inevitable disproportion of narrative forms. The main criterion I considered the uniqueness and importance of my heroes, the brightness of their personalities.   Mark TaimanovArt MN

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    1508.00 руб.


    The World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov press conference along with journalist Roshal and World Chess Champion Mikhail Tal Photographer Dolmatovsky B. Dimensions photo: 23,5 * 18 cm art pk5

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    3016.00 руб.


    The first volume includes two years: 1876-1877 (was published in 3 volumes)Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinFormat: enlarged format552 pages.Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antiqueDate: 2010Description:A monthly magazine dedicated to the game of chess and its literature. Published By M. Chigorin 1876-1877. St. Petersburg, Russia. Printing House Of V. O. Demakov.The great Russian chess player, the founder of the Russian chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage."It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this three - volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature, "writes multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov in" Word to the reader".The first volume includes two years: 1876-1877.WORD TO THE READER"Chigorin is the founder of the Russian chess school, an outstanding theorist, and a contender for the world crown." How often we had to read and hear these words, which from frequent use were lost, began to seem an empty banality. Meanwhile, Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin (1850-1908) was really the brightest creative personality. A gambling, fascinating person, he spared no effort and time to find the truth of chess, to solve the mysteries of an intricate opening or seemingly simple endgame position. In those early years, universality had not yet become a "vital necessity" in chess, and therefore every major master had a clearly defined individual style, with its own advantages and disadvantages. The Russian champion believed in the dynamic potential of figures, aspired to an open figure game, and willingly sacrificed material for initiative. His powerful opponent, Wilhelm Steinitz, put unshakable positional values above all else: the reliability of the pawn structure, the predominance in the center, the preponderance in space. Chigorin and Steinitz played two matches for the world championship, a lot of tournament and light games, but their fundamental dispute was not only at the chessboard. Polemically sharp, uncompromising discussions of these titans and their followers graced the pages of Newspapers and magazines of those years.Chigorin passionately loved chess, and he was depressed by the lack of public interest in this wise game in our country. He wanted to prove that chess is not an empty sport; it can become a life's work, a real profession. To show chess in the most favorable light and attract the attention of an enlightened public, Chigorin for ten years published, mostly at his own expense, the magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-81) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-87). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long since become a bibliographic rarity.The modern reader is spoiled by an abundance of chess literature. However, without the historical aura that envelops the creative essence of the chess player, our inner world would be much poorer. The Russian chess house publishing house performs a real feat, giving everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage. It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this four-volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature.Anatoly Karpov,multiple world championThe great Russian chess player, the founder of the national chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage.

  • book

    10556.00 руб.


    The first volume includes two years: 1876-1877 (was published in 3 volumes)Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinFormat: enlarged format552 pages.Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antiqueDate: 2010The second volume includes two years: 1878-1879 (was published in 3 volumes)ISBN: 978-5-94693-469-5Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinYear of release: 2019Language: RussianFormat: EnlargedPages: 616Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antiqueDate: 2019The third volume includes two years: 1880-1881 (was published in 3 volumes)SBN: 978-5-94693-646-0Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinYear of release: 2019Language: RussianFormat: EnlargedVolume: 520Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antique

  • book

    3770.00 руб.


    The second volume includes two years: 1878-1879 (was published in 3 volumes)ISBN: 978-5-94693-469-5Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinYear of release: 2019Language: RussianFormat: EnlargedPages: 616Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antiqueDate: 2019A monthly magazine dedicated to the game of chess and its literature. Published By M. Chigorin 1878-1879. St. Petersburg, Russia. Printing House Of V. O. Demakov.The great Russian chess player, the founder of the national chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage."It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this three - volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature, "writes multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov in" Word to the reader".The second volume includes two years: 1878-1879.WORD TO THE READER"Chigorin is the founder of the Russian chess school, an outstanding theorist, and a contender for the world crown." How often we had to read and hear these words, which from frequent use were lost, began to seem an empty banality. Meanwhile, Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin (1850-1908) was really the brightest creative personality. A gambling, exciting person, he spared no effort and time to find the truth of chess, to solve the mysteries of an intricate opening or seemingly simple endgame position. In those early years, universality had not yet become a "vital necessity" in chess, and therefore every major master had a clearly defined individual style, with its own advantages and disadvantages. The Russian champion believed in the dynamic potential of figures, aspired to an open figure game, and willingly sacrificed material for initiative. His powerful opponent, Wilhelm Steinitz, put unshakable positional values above all else: the reliability of the pawn structure, the predominance in the center, the preponderance in space. Chigorin and Steinitz played two matches for the world championship, a lot of tournament and light games, but their fundamental dispute was not only at the chessboard. Polemically sharp, uncompromising discussions of these titans and their followers graced the pages of Newspapers and magazines of those years.Chigorin passionately loved chess, and he was depressed by the lack of public interest in this wise game in our country. He wanted to prove that chess is not an empty sport; it can become a life's work, a real profession. To show chess in the most favorable light and attract the attention of an enlightened public, Chigorin for ten years published, mostly at his own expense, the magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-81) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-87). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long since become a bibliographic rarity.The modern reader is spoiled by an abundance of chess literature. However, without the historical aura that envelops the creative essence of the chess player, our inner world would be much poorer. The Russian chess house publishing house performs a real feat, giving everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage. It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this four-volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature.Anatoly Karpov,multiple world championThe great Russian chess player, the founder of the national chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage.

  • book

    3770.00 руб.


    The third volume includes two years: 1880-1881 (was published in 3 volumes)SBN: 978-5-94693-646-0Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): ChigorinYear of release: 2019Language: RussianFormat: EnlargedVolume: 520Cover: Hardcover with gold and blind embossing, book marks , paper antiqueDescription:A monthly magazine dedicated to the game of chess and its literature. Published By M. Chigorin 1880-1881. St. Petersburg, Russia. Printing House Of V. O. Demakov.The great Russian chess player, the founder of the national chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage."It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this three - volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature, "writes multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov in" Word to the reader".The third volume includes two years: 1880-1881WORD TO THE READER"Chigorin is the founder of the Russian chess school, an outstanding theorist, and a contender for the world crown." How often we had to read and hear these words, which from frequent use were lost, began to seem an empty banality. Meanwhile, Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin (1850-1908) was really the brightest creative personality. A gambling, fascinating person, he spared no effort and time to find the truth of chess, to solve the mysteries of an intricate opening or seemingly simple endgame position. In those early years, universality had not yet become a "vital necessity" in chess, and therefore every major master had a clearly defined individual style, with its own advantages and disadvantages. The Russian champion believed in the dynamic potential of figures, aspired to an open figure game, and willingly sacrificed material for initiative. His powerful opponent, Wilhelm Steinitz, put unshakable positional values above all else: the reliability of the pawn structure, the predominance in the center, the preponderance in space. Chigorin and Steinitz played two matches for the world championship, a lot of tournament and light games, but their fundamental dispute was not only at the chessboard. Polemically sharp, uncompromising discussions of these titans and their followers graced the pages of Newspapers and magazines of those years.Chigorin passionately loved chess, and he was depressed by the lack of public interest in this wise game in our country. He wanted to prove that chess is not an empty sport; it can become a life's work, a real profession. To show chess in the most favorable light and attract the attention of an enlightened public, Chigorin for ten years published, mostly at his own expense, the magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-81) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-87). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long since become a bibliographic rarity.The modern reader is spoiled by an abundance of chess literature. However, without the historical aura that envelops the creative essence of the chess player, our inner world would be much poorer. The Russian chess house publishing house performs a real feat, giving everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage. It is pleasant to note that the luxurious, elite performance of this four-volume edition has no analogues in the world chess literature.Anatoly Karpov,multiple world championThe great Russian chess player, the founder of the national chess school Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin for ten years published the magnificent magazines "Chess leaf" (1876-1881) and "Chess Bulletin" (1885-1887). He was the main and sometimes the only author there. Needless to say, these most striking examples of Russian chess thought have long been virtually inaccessible to modern readers. Thanks to this work, it is possible to get acquainted with our priceless chess, historical and literary heritage.

  • book

    11310.00 руб.


    Chess of this model was used at the World Chess Championship match between world champion Anatoly Karpov and the winner of the competition of applicants Garry Kasparov. Condition: Good Field Length: 40x40 cm King Height: 11 cm King Diameter: 39 mm Pawn Height: 6 cm Pawn Diameter: 30 mm Art: Ebay shelf

  • book

    46748.00 руб.


    About 2 000 labels. Pasted on album sheets. Hole punch marks in the margins of most of the sheets. Labels on the sheets are selected thematically-Moscow institutes, 40 years of the red army, Soviet films, fountains of Peterhof, 40 years of Aeroflot, Moscow estates, safety in logging, Stalin's skyscrapers, Russian dance, cosmonautics day, Brest fortress, Soviet circus, etc. Is of collector's interest. You can buy sheets separately for 10$ + 5$ shipping per sheet. You can buy up to 10 sheets and the shipping will be still 5$. Link to photos of all sheets are sent on request. Арт ШSheet size 29x 21 cm

  • book

    1131.00 руб.


    Material: wood and metal Size: 15x10 cmАрт. Инвентарь

  • book

    1508.00 руб.


    Complet set all 8 ever published issues of Chess Guid for Chess Fans 1980-1988.Years of issues: 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1986 1987 1988.Issue of 1985 was never published

  • book

    3016.00 руб.


    Soviet Chess Bulletin: Bulletin of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sport under the Council of Ministers of the USSR Published: Moscow, 1954 Binding: Hardcover publishing Language: Russian 160 pages Condition: perfect.   20 issues of Chess Bulletin dedicated to XI Chess Olympiad in 1954.EK31

  • book

    1885.00 руб.


    Complete set of issues of  the chess bulletin: “13 International Chess Memorial of Chigorin”  6-27th of September, 1979. Sochi 6  issues, complete set (1, 2-3, 3-4,6) Арт ек20