Шахматный учебник 1991-2023 гг
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910.36 руб.
Шахматы как инструмент обучения Кирсан Илюмжинов Особые преимущества шахмат и.т.д. Некоторые страницы немного сморщились. На английском языке.
747.95 руб.
Официальное издание, мелованная бумага, цветная печать, координаты всех шахматных федераций мира, структур ФИДЕ, официальных лиц.
2070.00 руб.
Мелованная бумага. GM Arkadij Naiditsch: The work of Efstratios Grivas is, as usual, very well organized, with logical explanations accompanying the practical examples he has chosen. There are, of course, almost unlimited options in the middlegame but I am very sure that after examining the current book’s examples, you will most definitely improve - gaining not only a deeper understanding, but also many news ideas for your own middlegame play.
1677.54 руб.
Simon Williams, one of Britain's most dynamic and aggressive chess-players, has selected his favourite attacking games from the modern era, and annotated them with an infectious zeal that will inspire and instruct. He takes us inside the decision-making process, explaining how each stage in an attacking concept is formed, and shows how top players spot the signs that indicate it is time to stake everything on an all-out assault. We also get insights into the role of intuition and calculation in both attack and defence. The players featured in this entertaining collection include: * Judit Polgar * Alexei Shirov * Veselin Topalov * Viswanathan Anand * Vasily Ivanchuk * Peter Svidler * Alexander Grishchuk * Magnus Carlsen *
Джон Спилмен - один из самых успешных британских шахматистов всех времен, он известен своей креативностью и выдающимися способностями к расчету. Он чрезвычайно опытный писатель и тренер по шахматам. Его личный выбор шахматных головоломок может развлекать, тестировать и инструктировать шахматистов всех уровней.
2318.40 руб.
Основные понятия Гамбит является вдохновляющей руководство для тех, кто стремится обострить свою игру и бороться за победу. Эта книга предлагает идеи и понимание современной игры. Key Concepts of Gambit Play is an inspirational guide for those seeking to sharpen their game and fight for the win. By covering 14 gambits from a wide range of openings, this book offers ideas and insights into the nature of modern gambit play. Grandmaster Yuri Razuvaev was one of the best-known coaches and chess writers in the Soviet Union. He worked with a host of stars, including World Champions Anatoly Karpov, Veselin Topalov and Alexandra Kosteniuk. He died in 2012. The book is comprehensively updated by Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard, without ruining any of the charm of the original.
1935.63 руб.
Классический учебник шахматной игры великого Чемпиона. Фото, современные аналитические редакторские приложения. "Lasker’s Manual of Chess is philosophical to its core. It helps you examine different kinds of problems in the most varied positions and it is exceptionally important, both for practical players and for trainers. Many times I have re-read, with great pleasure and great benefit to myself, those portions of the book dedicated to combinations, positional play (here we find accurately laid out the vital principles of the theory of Steinitz, which form the basis of contemporary chess), and chess aesthetics... "Lasker was both a great fighter and a deep thinker. His book forms the quintessence of many years of exceptionally successful experience, and his thoughts on the same. It teaches you what he considers to be most important, general principles and methods applicable to any situation. Once you have read the Manual, you will become wiser, which is bound to help you later on, both in chess and in life." — From the Foreword by Mark Dvoretsky
Пляж на берегу Леты Автор:
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Комплект из двух книг. Документы и материалы кануна Второй мировой войны. 1937-1939 гг., 1071.00 руб.
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Каспаров 3400.00 руб. -
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Зак 250.00 руб. -
Шахматы деревянные СССР 1950-ые 2400.00 руб.
Подарок шахматисту. Гарри Каспаров. Мой шахматный путь в 3-х томах. В подарочной упаковке. Автор:
Каспаров 3750.00 руб.