Шахматный учебник 1991-2023 гг
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463.68 руб.
Обучение тактике шахматиста следует начинать с решения элементарных матовых задач. Успешное выполнение заданий способствует появлению уверенности в своих силах, позволяет ощутить гармонические связи между фигурами и знакомит с типичными матовыми "картинами".Книга известного шахматного литератора и гроссмейстера Николая Калиниченко представляет собой сборник тщательно отобранных матовых задач на мат в 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ходов и матование в эндшпиле. Работа с книгой не только доставит вам истинное наслаждение от шахматной красоты, но и быстро поможет существенно усилить вашу игру и добиться высоких турнирных результатов. Книга будет интересна шахматистам самой разной квалификации.
2064.68 руб.
Leading chess author Colin Crouch believes that the key to sustained chess improvement lies in the critical analysis and assessment of your own games. Each and every game you play provides a significant learning opportunity, and this opportunity should never be squandered. In this sequel to his highly acclaimed 'Why We Lose at Chess', Crouch examines what we should do to maximize our chess results and ratings, how to turn losses into draws, and draws into wins. Here he focuses on major issues such as improving decision making, how to plan after the opening, how to maintain objectivity, improving endgame skills, the psychological aspects of the game, and much more. Read this book, analyse your chess, and get ready to improve your results!
2932.78 руб.
Marshall, Schliemann & Gajewski Systems The Spanish Opening, 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5, is so respected that many Black players immediately start defending. Brunello shows that Black can engage in a tense fight for the win right from the start. In a repertoire book combining both in-depth analysis and strategic explanation he considers three gambits which have all been tested by top 10 players, with good results, in the last year. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 0-0 8.c3 d5. The Marshall Attack forms the mainstay of this repertoire, being both sound and aggressive and favoured by the world's best. The theory is so complex that an expert guide is required, and Brunello is well suited to the task, having played the Marshall for most of his chess career. He devotes four chapters and nearly half of the book to the Marshall, surveying the Anti-Marshalls, Main Lines, 12.d3 Lines and Modern Ideas, utilising a combination of analysis and explanation to guide the reader through this complex gambit. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5. The Schliemann, with its reversed King's Gambit flair, has always been popular with club players, but grandmasters knew it was unsound. Then Teimour Radjabov started playing it successfully against the elite and sparked a revival. Here, three chapters describe a trustworthy repertoire for Black against 4.d3, 4.Nc3 and other, less common lines of play. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 Na5 10.Bc2 d5. The Gajewski variation is a brand new, seemingly outrageous gambit. The position after White's tenth move had been reached a thousand times with 10...c5 universally played, when in the summer of 2007 the Polish grandmaster Gajewski revealed that Black has a fascinating gambit at his disposal. Subsequently it has been played at international level and the theory of the opening is still being worked out. Brunello shows, in two chapters how Black should respond to White's main tries 11.d3, 11.exd5, and 11.d4. International Master Sabino Brunello is one of the leaders of the youthful revival in Italian chess. With a rating of 2547 he is well on the way to the Grandmaster title.
Издание югославского Информатора. Антология шахматных комбинаций включает в себя наиболее интересные комбинации, встретившиеся в турнирной практике за последние 200 лет (самый ранний пример датирован 1789 годом ). Разумеется, невозможно рассмотреть все заслуживающие внимания примеры, но большинство из них вы найдете в этой книге. Она содержит 2001 комбинацию. В суперобложке.
Dieses Buch mochte den vielleicht wichtigsten und dennoch am wenigsten beachteten Teil des Schachspiels, namlich das Mittelspiel, vorstellen
2064.68 руб.
hess battles are won and lost in the mind, says US National Master William Stewart, who holds a degree in Psychology. He teaches you how to organize your thinking, identify your objectives, maximize your focus, avoid shallow memorization, stay aggressive, and much more.
Zenon Franco guide readers through 50 top-level games, challenges them to guess key moves correctly, and asks questions at critical moments. Points are awarded for good answers, and at the end of each game, the score-chart rates the work of the device. This material has never appeared in English before, and presents a selection of monthly articles that Franco has written for a quarter century in the Spanish-language magazines, revised and rechecked for this book. Zenon Franco is a grandmaster from Paraguay who now lives in Spain. He is an experienced chess coach, his most notable pupil being Paco Vallejo, now one of the leading grandmasters, whom he taught from 1995 to 1999.
1290.43 руб.
Американское издание. Включает приложение с примечаниями с использованием современных программ. Lasker's Common Sense in Chess has always been one of the standard works in chess literature, enjoying a place on the "short list" of required reading for over 100 years. Simply stated, the book records a series of lectures given by Emanuel Lasker, the 2nd World Chess Champion, before an audience of London players in early 1895. Yet Lasker's statement of his chess philosophy, his clear presentation of the principles of chess play, has elevated these lectures to a place far beyond the mere fulfillment of a speaking engagement. Here we have a classic and timeless guidebook that has benefited generations of chess players. Anyone who has learned the rules of chess will be amply repaid for his study of Lasker's Common Sense in Chess. This digital edition re-creates Lasker's famous speaking engagement, and offers you a front row seat in the lecture hall! Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the World Champion - download Common Sense in Chess today!
Состояние: книгой пользовались. Superb defensive technique is a hallmark of all great chess-players. With a few deft counterstrokes, they not only deflect what looked like an overwhelming offensive, but also expose the darker side of their opponent's build-up. Is this sheer black magic, or are these skills that ordinary players can develop? While some of the key defensive skills follow well-established principles, modern players ally this with an appreciation of chess dynamics that is a good deal more subtle. Zenon Franco provides a wide-ranging course in how to handle difficult positions, seeking not only to hold them together but to go on the counteroffensive, exploiting to the full the commitments and concessions the opponent has made to launch his attack. The methods he advocates are varied: often a countersacrifice is the key, while simplification can also employed as a subtler, but equally deadly weapon.
a) 1-й год обучения, № 1 (сто матов в 1 ход) b) 2-й год обучения (маты в два хода) с) Двойной удар - 1 d) Двойной удар - 2 e) Шахматные ТЕСТрадочки - 1 f) Окончания - 1 g) Окончания - 2 h) Мат в 2 хода - 1. 3-й год обучения i) Мат в 2 хода - 2. 3-й год обучения - 1 книга 150 рублей
2318.40 руб.
When you're serious about improving your skills endgame , it's time for Butler's Endgame Manual . Perhaps the most well known and respected world-class chess instructor , Mark Butler has produced a comprehensive work on the endgame , which will reward players of all strengths. For those who are ready to dive into the endgame theory , there can be no better than a manual available today. But even if you do not play at the graduate level , the book was designed to help your endgame too. The basic theory and the " need to know " concepts are highlighted in blue . You can skip the more complex analysis , focus on the text in blue, and still improve your endgame technique . When it appeared in 2003 , the first edition of Butler's Endgame Manual was immediately recognized by novice and master , as one of the best books ever published on the endgame . The second edition has been revised and enlarged to 400 pages - covering all the most important concepts required for endgame mastery. Mark Butler continued to review and revise the material . The result of this revised and updated third edition . Not only work independently, but with the help of attentive readers , masters and grandmasters, the author's efforts resulted in what can only be described as the definitive work on endgame theory and practice. Mark Butler , considered by many to be the premier chess instructor of our era. His work on the middlegame and endgame set the standard by which others are measured chess books . He lives with his family in Moscow, Russia
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