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Вторая часть в СССР не выходила. Говорит автор: «Первая часть «Избранных партий» содержит 58 комментированных мною шахматных партий, на мой взгляд, наиболее поучительных и ярко освещающих события шахматной жизни за период времени от начала 1919 года по июнь 1921 г. Цель моей книги «Избранные партии» — дать читателям в сжатой форме верную картину шахматной жизни и достижений, начиная с 1919 года до настоящего времени и осветить самое главное: принципы современной шахматной стратегии применительно к каждой приведенной партии. Если «Избранные партии» послужат читателю-шахматисту хорошим пособием для понимания и изучения современной шахматной премудрости, то этим они выполнят возложенную на них задачу.
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review is considered by many to be the strongest chess player the world has ever seen.
In 1972, an epic chess match took place in Iceland between representatives of the two great super-powers of the world: Bobby vs. Boris. Boris was backed by the Mighty Soviet Union, with late night phone calls coming from his handlers in Moscow, telling him what his next move should be. Meanwhile, Bobby stood alone against the might of the opposing nation. But, Bobby was not exactly alone. The Americans did not need to tell him what moves to make on the chessboard. Bobby already knew how to do that. Rather, what the Americans needed to do was somehow to get him to sit down at the board and play the game.
This book is essentially a teaching machine. The way a teaching machine works is: It asks you a question. If you give the right answer, it goes on to the next question. If you give the wrong answer, it tells you why the answer is wrong and tells you to go back and try again. This is called "programmed learning". The real authors were experts and authorities in the field of programmed learning. Bobby Fischer lent his name to the project. Stuart Margulies is a chess master and also a recognized authority on programmed learning. He is a widely published author of more than 40 books, all in the field of programmed learning, especially in learning how to read. For example, one of his books is "Critical reading for proficiency 1 : introductory level". Donn Mosenfelder is not a known or recognized chess player, but he was the owner of the company that developed and designed this book. He has written more than 25 books, almost all on basic reading, writing and math.
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«НАСТОЯЩИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ (ИНФОРМАЦИЯ) ПРОИЗВЕДЕН, РАСПРОСТРАНЕН И (ИЛИ) НАПРАВЛЕН Каспаров Гарри Кимович ЯВЛЯЮЩИМСЯ (УЧРЕДИТЕЛЕМ, ЧЛЕНОМ, УЧАСТНИКОМ, РУКОВОДИТЕЛЕМ ИЛИ ЛИЦОМ, ВХОДЯЩИМ В СОСТАВ ОРГАНА ЛИЦ, УКАЗАННЫХ в ч. 4 ст. 9 ФЗ «О КОНТРОЛЕ ЗА ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬЮ ЛИЦ, НАХОДЯЩИХСЯ ПОД ИНОСТРАННЫМ ВЛИЯНИЕМ»), ВКЛЮЧЕННОГО В РЕЕСТР ИНОСТРАННЫХ АГЕНТОВ» In this entertaining follow up to Garry Kasparov's 'Chess Puzzle Book', the world champion presents his selection of the best chess combinations from recent grandmaster play, arranged in test yourself fashion.
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