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From this book, profusely illustrated with hundreds of diagrams, you can learn to play chess well within a short period of time, even if you do not know the first thing about it. The author, a chess master of international renown, has the rare ability to clarify problems that hitherto seemed difficult and confusing.
576.08 руб.
Подробно о дебюте 1..Kc6. На Интершрифте от специалиста - гроссмейстера. The fourth title in the "Teach Yourself Chess Openings. Modern Practice" series is devoted to the rare and unusual opening of 1... Nc6 in reply to either of White's first moves - 1.e4 or 1..d4. The sequence 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 leading to French-type positions occurred back in the games of Aron Nimzowitsch and received the name of Nimzowitsch Defence. Modern praxis has significantly extended the horizons of the 1... Nc6 opening so that it can now result in rather interesting strategic situations, which pawn structures are typical of the most varied opening systems such as French Defence, Scandinavian Defence, Ruy Lopez, Scotch Game, Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence, King's Indian Defence, English Opening, Queen's Indian Defence and Nimzo-Indian Defence! Of the great masters of the past who once made certain contributions to the development of 1... Nc6 we should mention in particular Aron Nimzowitsch and Efim Bogoljubow while of modern players grandmasters Bent Larsen and Anthony Miles can be named. In our times when the opening theory is rapidly developing, the 1... Nc6 opening may prove to be a successful find for players seeking new and unusual paths from their very first moves.
309.12 руб.
РЕПРИНТ в картонном переплете.
309.12 руб.
РЕПРИНТ в картонном переплете.
463.68 руб.
РЕПРИНТ в картонном переплете.
1806.58 руб.
Professional grandmasters study the latest wrinkles of their favorite openings. They have time to think about innovations in the Sicilian Najdorf, the Marshall Attack, or the Semi-Slav. It’s part of their job. But club players can rarely afford such luxury, and an excellent way for them to beat their busy schedules is to play good, solid opening lines that happen to be out of style. GM Raetsky and IM Chetverik have turned their backs on current fashion and have delved deep into the wardrobe of chess openings. These two opening specialists have selected eleven unusual variations to help readers refresh their repertoires. Using key illustrative games (many previously unpublished), the authors present a host of surprising and accessible opening ideas. Never refuted, these openings have numbered World Champions among their victims.
1613.02 руб.
The popularity of the Nimzo-Larsen Attack is largely based on its surprise value, but in fact 1.b3 is one of White’s more logical first moves. By immediately developing his queen’s bishop, White aims at undermining the black centre. Ilya Odessky’s message in this unusual opening book is: opening with 1.b2-b3 is a lot of fun! Odessky will amuse and surprise you, but also teach you all the ins and outs of this offbeat system, which has been used by top players like Bobby Fischer and Bent Larsen. White avoids the many theoretical landmines of mainline openings and steers towards an open battle, right from the start. This system’s basic ideas are strategically sound and easy to learn. But it can also offer wild complications for lovers of tactics. Odessky does not fool you into believing that White is better in all 1.b3 lines. But you will get to know this opening deeply, and you will be better prepared for the struggle than your opponent will be. You will enjoy playing 1.b3!
- Шахматный компьютер - Grandmaster EXCALIBUR. Большая удобная профессиональная доска. Клетка 5 см ! 30000.00 руб.
- Шахматы советские "Симза" 2400.00 руб.
- DGT Роскошная нескладная доска Юдит Полгар (Judit Polgar) (55х55 см) (С незначительным дефектом) 9100.00 руб.
Учебное пособие известного тренера А.В. Гетманчука. Комплект из 5 книг.
Гетманчук 2376.00 руб. -
Ненадолго. Романтическая повесть
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Концерт для скрипки с оркестром
Дашкевич 736.64 руб. - Деревянные шахматные фигуры с утяжелителем Стаунтон 6 с деревянной доской 48 см 4950.00 руб.