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Grandmaster Repertoire is a series of high quality chess books based on the main lines, written by strong grandmasters. The aim is to provide the reader with a complete repertoire at a level good enough for elite tournaments, and certainly also for the club championship. In two volumes, The Gr�nfeld Defence offers a complete repertoire for Black against 1.d4. Avrukh's two previous Grandmaster Repertoire books White received universal rave reviews and have been hugely influential on chess players all over the world, including at the very highest level.
480.00 руб.
Эта книга предназначена для юных любителей шахмат, которые делают самые пер- вые шаги в этой мудрой и увлекательной игре. Шахматы – это борьба умов, в которой побеждает более умный, более знающий, более умелый. Не все из вас достигнут мастерства в шахматах, но занятия шахматами, несомнен- но, принесут пользу всем. Они развивают логичность и последовательность мышле- ния, усидчивость, умение анализировать шахматные и жизненные ситуации, а также помогают укрепить характер. Шахматы – трудный вид деятельности, требующий больших усилий ума и воли, а также больших затрат времени. Чтобы успешно выступать в соревнованиях, нужно постоянно заниматься их изучением. Но прежде всего нужно научиться хорошо ви- деть простые комбинации. В этом вам должен помочь предлагаемый учебник. Как по нему заниматься? Необходимо решить все упражнения без доски. За одно занятие рекомендуется решать от 6 до 30 позиций. Примеры расположены по мере возрастания трудности и разбиты на пять ступеней. Всего в книге содержится 1299 позиций-заданий. Они «обкатаны» в процессе 25-летней практики обучения начинаю- щих. Преподаватель может построить план занятий исходя из того, что у каждого есть экземпляр этого учебника. Желаю всем обучающимся успешно постичь основы шах- матного искусства и пойти дальше по трудному и интересному пути шахматного мас- терства. Фрагмент 1 Фрагмент 2
Ever since Nimzowitsch introduced his flexible, dynamic defence to the queen's pawn, debate has raged over White's best reply. Many variations have been in and out of fashion, but one line in particular has proved an enduring weapon - the sound and solid 4 e3 line, known as the Rubinstein Variation. The 4 e3 Nimzo is extraordinarily rich in strategy. All manner of different central pawn-structures can arise, such as the blocked centre characteristic of the Hübner Variation and a variety of IQP positions. Moreover, in some lines the central tension persists well into the middlegame. The 4 e3 Nimzo provides a stern test of both players' understanding of chess, and so is an ideal choice for those who are looking to win as either colour.
GM Delchev once again delved deeply in his pet defence and came up with several improvements and new ideas. You can expect added material and major revisions in the following variations: • English Attack vs the Taimanov • Classical System with 6.Be2 • System with Ld3 and Le3 • Alapin Variation 3.c3 The Bulgarian GM Delchev (current Elo 2661) proposes a sound yet aggressive Black Sicilian repertoire, based on the Taimanov system: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.Nd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 Qc7. As Black, it is extremely difficult to get a playable position without accepting extreme risks. This book deals with reliable positional systems which will serve you for many years, without having to update your opening knowledge every two weeks. This setup is especially effective against the dreaded English attack. The author is one of the world’s leading experts in that field and his recommendations are based mostly on his own games. Without hiding back his secrets, Delchev reveals many new ideas and novelties in his pet line. The authors pay also attention to White’s deviations from the Open Sicilian. There are chapters about 3.c3, 3.d3, 3.Nc3, 3.b3, 3.c4 and other rare lines. The book features a new form of presentation. Every system is examined in a separate part which contains three chapters: “Quick Repertoire”; “Step by Step”; “Complete Games”. You start with the “Quick Repertoire”. You’ll find there all the vital information that you need to start playing the variation. “Step by Step” chapters follow the usual layout of Chess Stars books with main lines that branch to sub-lines. Finally, every part ends with “Complete Games”.
American IM Cyrus Lakdawala loves the Scandinavian, and it shows. He focuses on popular lines with 3...Qd6 and presents a reliable repertoire in which White has problems to open the position, lacks specific targets and quite often cannot resist Black's tempting invitation to overreach.
Dear reader, you are holding the first part of a two-volume work in your hands. I'd like to lead you to a world mysterious and unknown even to trained chess players, in fact, more or less to grandmasters. I trust that reading this book will give you not only joy and entertainment but it will also help you to understand these extremely interesting and exiting endgames. Furthermore, I hope that as as result, later on you will be able to successfully adopt in practice all that you learn from this book. The topics are the following: The three positions of the introductory part shed light on what urged me to deal in such minuteness of detail with opposite-coloured bishop endings. In the basic positions I arranged in a row the most important types of positions of connected and split pawns, the self-confident knowledge of which is essential to be able to solve the more complicated, multi pawn positions. In the examples of practical endings you can see all the virtues and errors which spring from the knowledge, or the lack of it, of the rules of opposite-coloured bishop endings. The epilogue supports all that was written , and briefly summarizes the rules. I should like to express my special thanks to my ex-pupil GM Ferenc Berkes for his many and profound analysing work, and for always finding time to discuss any newly arisen, interesting-looking positions with me.
1161.39 руб.
Contains the variations 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 c5 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.e4 & 6.g3 and deals with the subject of 'isolated pawn', which plays an important part in this opening, quoting Dr Siegbert Tarrasch words: "Whoever is afraid of playing with an isolated pawn should give up chess."
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