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Издание югославского Информатора. Антология шахматных комбинаций включает в себя наиболее интересные комбинации, встретившиеся в турнирной практике за последние 200 лет (самый ранний пример датирован 1789 годом ). Разумеется, невозможно рассмотреть все заслуживающие внимания примеры, но большинство из них вы найдете в этой книге. Она содержит 2001 комбинацию. В суперобложке.
Dieses Buch mochte den vielleicht wichtigsten und dennoch am wenigsten beachteten Teil des Schachspiels, namlich das Mittelspiel, vorstellen
2064.68 руб.
hess battles are won and lost in the mind, says US National Master William Stewart, who holds a degree in Psychology. He teaches you how to organize your thinking, identify your objectives, maximize your focus, avoid shallow memorization, stay aggressive, and much more.
Zenon Franco guide readers through 50 top-level games, challenges them to guess key moves correctly, and asks questions at critical moments. Points are awarded for good answers, and at the end of each game, the score-chart rates the work of the device. This material has never appeared in English before, and presents a selection of monthly articles that Franco has written for a quarter century in the Spanish-language magazines, revised and rechecked for this book. Zenon Franco is a grandmaster from Paraguay who now lives in Spain. He is an experienced chess coach, his most notable pupil being Paco Vallejo, now one of the leading grandmasters, whom he taught from 1995 to 1999.
1290.43 руб.
Американское издание. Включает приложение с примечаниями с использованием современных программ. Lasker's Common Sense in Chess has always been one of the standard works in chess literature, enjoying a place on the "short list" of required reading for over 100 years. Simply stated, the book records a series of lectures given by Emanuel Lasker, the 2nd World Chess Champion, before an audience of London players in early 1895. Yet Lasker's statement of his chess philosophy, his clear presentation of the principles of chess play, has elevated these lectures to a place far beyond the mere fulfillment of a speaking engagement. Here we have a classic and timeless guidebook that has benefited generations of chess players. Anyone who has learned the rules of chess will be amply repaid for his study of Lasker's Common Sense in Chess. This digital edition re-creates Lasker's famous speaking engagement, and offers you a front row seat in the lecture hall! Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the World Champion - download Common Sense in Chess today!
Mihail Moiseevich Botvinnik is an electrical engineer by profession; during World War II he headed a high-tension laboratory in the Urals and was decorated by the USSR for his accomplishments. At present, he is the head of the alternating-current machine laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Power Engineering. He is also a world-renowned chess player. He was born in 1911, and by 1935 had become a Grandmaster of Soviet chess. In 1948 he won the world chess championship and held the title until 1963 (except for a two-year break). His chess style has been characterized as deep, objective, serious, and courageous. In this book, the quality of his thinking is revealed in his study of the basic thought processes of master chess players, and his reduction of these processes to mathematical form. This formalization of thought processes is a contribution to science at three levels: at the immediate level, it provides a basis for a computer program that seems likely to succeed in playing chess; at the middle level, game-playing
Состояние: книгой пользовались. Superb defensive technique is a hallmark of all great chess-players. With a few deft counterstrokes, they not only deflect what looked like an overwhelming offensive, but also expose the darker side of their opponent's build-up. Is this sheer black magic, or are these skills that ordinary players can develop? While some of the key defensive skills follow well-established principles, modern players ally this with an appreciation of chess dynamics that is a good deal more subtle. Zenon Franco provides a wide-ranging course in how to handle difficult positions, seeking not only to hold them together but to go on the counteroffensive, exploiting to the full the commitments and concessions the opponent has made to launch his attack. The methods he advocates are varied: often a countersacrifice is the key, while simplification can also employed as a subtler, but equally deadly weapon.
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