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675 games from the Swedish corres. chess championships 1976-1979 German algebraic notation, Swedish text..
1935.63 руб.
Классический учебник шахматной игры великого Чемпиона. Фото, современные аналитические редакторские приложения. "Lasker’s Manual of Chess is philosophical to its core. It helps you examine different kinds of problems in the most varied positions and it is exceptionally important, both for practical players and for trainers. Many times I have re-read, with great pleasure and great benefit to myself, those portions of the book dedicated to combinations, positional play (here we find accurately laid out the vital principles of the theory of Steinitz, which form the basis of contemporary chess), and chess aesthetics... "Lasker was both a great fighter and a deep thinker. His book forms the quintessence of many years of exceptionally successful experience, and his thoughts on the same. It teaches you what he considers to be most important, general principles and methods applicable to any situation. Once you have read the Manual, you will become wiser, which is bound to help you later on, both in chess and in life." — From the Foreword by Mark Dvoretsky
2064.68 руб.
Mihail Marin examines and explains the contribution from the chess legends who influenced him strongly in his own development. This personal and sympathetic journey into the best chess of yesterday is guaranteed to help the readers in their games. As we all know: those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The chapters in this book discuss: Rubinstein's excellent rook endgame technique; Alekhine's expertise with the heavy pieces; Botvinnik's ability for deep analysis; Tal's handling of heavy pieces vs. minor pieces; Petrosian's positional exchange sacrifices; Fischer's strength with the king's bishop; Karpov's handling of bishops of opposite colour; and, Korchnoi the rebel. Вниманию читателей предлагается блистательная книга известного румынского гроссмейстера Михаила Марина, которая была признана в 2005 году лучшей шахматной книгой в США.
Пляж на берегу Леты Автор:
Ряшенцев 900.00 руб. -
Первые шахматные шаги Автор:
Каспаров 586.00 руб. -
Деревянные шахматные фигуры из дуба Стаунтон №6 "Табия" 4800.00 руб.
Комплект из двух книг. Документы и материалы кануна Второй мировой войны. 1937-1939 гг., 1071.00 руб.
Игровой набор 5 в 1 в чемоданчике (шахматы, шашки, нарды, домино, карты) 2100.00 руб.
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Мои великие предшественники. Комплект из всех изданных книг. 1,2,5 Том. Автор:
Каспаров 3400.00 руб. -
Пути совершенствования Автор:
Зак 250.00 руб. -
Шахматы деревянные СССР 1950-ые 2400.00 руб.
Подарок шахматисту. Гарри Каспаров. Мой шахматный путь в 3-х томах. В подарочной упаковке. Автор:
Каспаров 3750.00 руб.