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    1500.00 руб.
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    Новое, значительно дополненное издание знаменитой книги - 75 партий. Анатолий Карпов - крупнейший знаток защиты Каро-Канн. Он одержал в ней много ярких побед, играя и белыми, и черными. В данной работе многократный чемпион мира рассказывает о наиболее важных и интересных открытиях, сделанных в защите Каро-Канн. Приводятся множество примеров из современной практики.

    575.00 руб.
  • Шахматы были изобретены в V веке нашей эры в Индии и распространились по всему миру. Уникальность этой игры в том, что она до сих пор охватывает умы всех - от мала до велика! Шахматы сочетают в себе элементы науки и спорта. Они развивают логику, усидчивость, внимательность, аналитическое мышление и память.  Шашки - веселая, динамичная и сравнительно несложная игра. Она есть в каждой стране мира. Здесь сравнительно проще найти партнера, нежели в шахматах. Нарды – одна из старейших известных настольных игр. Известно, что она пришла к нам с Востока. Для начала, необходимо освоить основные техники, чтобы потом смело во время партии применять различные хитрости.  Длина клетки: 4,5 см. Высота Короля: 8,8 см. Диаметр основания Короля: 2,8 см. Длина и ширина поля в развернутом виде: 44 Х 44 см. Материал: дерево Страна-производитель: Китай.

    2450.00 руб.
  • Репринт большого знака (4 см х 3,5 см), посвященного несостоявшемуся матчу Карпов- Фишер 1975 г. Оригинал был выпущен тиражом всего  в несколько сигнальных экземпляров (известны только экземпляры из коллекции А.Карпова и Музея ЦДШ). 

    575.00 руб.
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    Международный мастер Тибор Каройи и мастер ФИДЕ Тигран Гёзалян подготовили капитальный труд (в двух томах) о жизни и творчестве 9-го чемпиона мира по шахматам Тиграна Петросяна (он владел титулом с 1963 по 1969 год).  В томе II (1963-1984) рассказывается о победе Петросяна в матче 1963 года за звание чемпиона мира над Михаилом Ботвинником, о грандиозном двухматчевом противостоянии с Борисом Спасским в 1966 и 1969 годах, обо всех его претендентских матчах уже после утраты титула – против Бобби Фишера, Виктора Корчного и других соперников мирового уровня. Представлены все турниры и матчи второй половины шахматной карьеры Петросяна, вплоть до последних выступлений 1983 года. Авторы подвергли глубокому (с привлечением современных компьютеров) анализу 175 полных партий и фрагментов. Далеко не все из них глубоко изучались и комментировались ранее, но и тогда в книге даётся существенно улучшенный анализ. Среди противников Петросяна – чемпионы мира и претенденты Каспаров, Карпов, Фишер, Спасский, Таль, Смыслов, Ботвинник, Корчной и Бронштейн, а также Тимман, Ларсен, Решевский, Белявский, Полугаевский, Портиш, Романишин и многие другие. Отдельное внимание уделено его тренерам – Алексею Суэтину и Игорю Зайцеву. 

    1500.00 руб.
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    Самая продаваемая книга в истории шахмат! Научитесь играть в королевскую игру по методу Бобби Фишера, величайшего чемпиона мира! Вашему вниманию предлагается самый быстрый, увлекательный и эффективный из когда-либо предлагавшихся способов обучения игре в шахматы. Пройдите этот проверенный поколениями легендарный курс под руководством шахматного гения, который раскроет вам свои секреты.

    450.00 руб.
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    Этот альбом предлагает рассмотреть панораму семидесятилетней истории шахмат советского периода во всем ее разнообразии, почувствовать движение времени, увидеть, как тысячи любителей игры становятся миллионами, как эпоха немого кино, игры по телеграфу и кружков в рабочих клубах вырастает в эпоху известных всей стране чемпионов, «Шахматной школы» на Центральном телевидении, сеансов одновременной игры на тысяче досок. Он позволяет оценить шахматы в СССР, как уникальное культурное явление XX века, проследить превращение искусной забавы интеллигентных людей в мощный инструмент культурного развития страны. Увидеть удачный пример того, как стараниями заинтересованных людей общественный интерес получил государственную поддержку, как со временем весь мир, независимо от политических пристрастий, осознал необходимость изучения советского опыта в этой области.

    3220.00 руб.
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    39999.00 руб.
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    Кто научился играть пешечный эндшпиль - тот научился играть в шахматы! В данной книге 64 урока по пешечному эндшпилю. Сложность уроков нарастает постепенно от уровня начинающего шахматиста в начале книги и до уровня перворазрядника и кандидата в мастера в конце. При написании книги автор использовал 40-летний опыт работы тренером - от групп начинающих юных шахматистов в детсадах и начальных классах до группы высшего спортивного мастерства. Учебник очень удобен для работы тренеров с группами юных шахматистов, поскольку содержит готовые конспекты уроков с учебным материалом, а также 700 позиций для решения и учебного разыгрывания. Книга содержит большое количество определений и правил, в том числе оригинальных, придуманных самим автором в процессе многолетней тренерской работы. Материал удобен также для самостоятельного изучения.

    500.00 руб.
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    Юрий Рафаэлович Дохоян (1964-2021) – гроссмейстер, заслуженный тренер России, сеньор-тренер ФИДЕ. Более 10 лет являлся тренером-секундантом Гарри Каспарова, а также тренировал сестер Татьяну и Надежду Косинцевых, Сергея Карякина и Андрея Есипенко, был главным тренером женской и мужской сборных России.   Федерация шахмат России и Елена Дохоян благодарят всех, кто принял участие в создании книги памяти. Это 13-й чемпион мира Гарри Каспаров и журналист Дмитрий Плисецкий, руководители Федерации шахмат России разных лет Александр Бах, Илья Левитов и Марк Глуховский, ученики Юрия Дохояна – Надежда и Татьяна Косинцевы, Сергей Карякин, Андрей Есипенко, 14-й чемпион мира Владимир Крамник, 12-я чемпионка мира Александра Костенюк, друзья и коллеги – Михаил Ходарковский, Кирилл Зангалис, гроссмейстеры Евгений Бареев, Сергей Кишнев, Игорь Зайцев, Александр Мотылев, Александр Грищук, Ян Непомнящий, Владимир Поткин.   Для широкого круга любителей шахмат

    600.00 руб.
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Современная шахматная периодика

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    567.79 руб.


    годовой комплект из всех 52 номеров еженедельного шахматного вестника ТАСС. Так же выходили в этом же году приложения 6 номеров.

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    748.44 руб.


    Ежеквартальный журнал. Издавался в Праге в 50-60-е годы. Содержит статьи на разных языках,в том числе и на русском.Годовой комплект. В наличии есть комплекты разных годов.Для их приобретения делайте запрос по эл.почте или по тел.

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    1780.78 руб.


    NIC Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. Sosonko&s Corner The game Smeets-Pavasovic from the Grandmaster C Group of the 2004 CORUS Chess Tournament brought Sosonko back to his childhood days in Leningrad. The teachers at the Pioneer Palace there would never have approved of the moves these young grandmasters were playing: g2-g4 for White and especially Bf8-d6, putting the bishop in front of the queen&s pawn. Sosonko calls it Fidel&s Attack. Read why! Book Review The publication of the third edition of John Watson&s classic "Play the French" and a trilogy on the same opening by Lev Psakhis, whose books are always worth a detour, are an excellent starting point for Glenn Flear to dedicate his review column to. And Sakaev&s Queen&s Gambit Accepted monograph is the ideal finale. According to Flear it is an ideal practical book for those wanting to learn about this opening. Quality comes at a price! 33 NIC Surveys Yearbook 70 Sicilian: Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5, by Van der Tak Sicilian: Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5, by Karolyi Sicilian: Najdorf Variation 6.Bc4, by Golubev Sicilian: Velimirovic Attack 8.Qe2, by Bosch Sicilian: Alapin Variation 2.c3 e6, by Tzermiadianos Pirc: Austrian Attack 4.f4, by Van der Weide King’s Fianchetto: 3.Nf3, by Fogarasi French: Steinitz Variation 4.e5, by Fogarasi French: MacCutcheon Variation 4...Bb4, by Glek French: Winawer Variation 7.Qg4 0-0, by Almasi Caro-Kann: Advance Variation 4.Be3, by Bosch Scandinavian: Gubnitsky-Pytel Variation 3...Qd6, by Karolyi Ruy Lopez: Neo-Steinitz Variation 5...Bg4, by Van der Tak Ruy Lopez: Neo-Arkhangelsk Variation 6...Bc5, by Inarkiev Ruy Lopez: Anti-Marshall Variation 8.h3, by Lukacs/Hazai Italian: Evans Gambit 4.b4, by De Zeeuw Scotch: Steinitz Variation 4....Qh4, by Pliester Two Knights: Traxler Gambit 5.Nf7, by Pastore/Montcaubeig/Da Costa jr English Defence: 1...e6 and 2...b6, by Van der Stricht Budapest Gambit: Fajarowicz Gambit 3...Ne4, by Gutman Queen’s Gambit Declined: Blackburne Variation 5.Bf4, by Ilic Slav: Exchange Variation 6...a6, by Langeweg Slav: Botvinnik Variation 12...Qc7, by Shabalov Queen’s Gambit Accepted: Two Knights Variation 4...c5, by Karolyi Catalan: Open Variation 6...dc4, by Vladimirov Nimzo-Indian: Rubinstein Variation 8...Ba5, by Lukacs/Hazai Nimzo-Indian: Classical Variation 4.Qc2, by Stohl Queen’s Indian: Nimzowitsch Variation 5.Qa4, by Timoshenko King’s Indian: Fianchetto Variation 8.Qd3, by Lukacs/Hazai Dutch: Leningrad Variation 7...Nc6, by Jensen English: Symmetrical Variation 4.e4, by Vilela English: Anti-Grьnfeld Variation 4.Qa4, by Fogarasi Rйti: A White Benoni 8...d4, by Panczyk/Ilczuk

  • book

    1780.78 руб.


    NIC Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by John Watson, Jacob Aagaard, and many others. Sosonko&s Corner Yasser Seirawan believes 1.e4 is "obviously the most aggressive move", but Evgeny Sveshnikov takes it a step further. He is a man of strong opinions and labels 1.e4 as "the strongest opening move for White beyond any doubt. Sosonko describes in which of three categories (correct, semi-coorect and incorrect) young Garry Kasparov classified all openings after 1.e4 and explains why Sveshnikov stopped playing the Sveshnikov Variation. In reply to a fashionable way to circumvent his latest love (4...e5!) Sveshnikov has developed a new gambit. Read all about it. Book Review The word "repertoire" is widely used, but not always explained. So for that matter is the term "World Champion", but that&s another story. In his column Glenn Flear reviews Khalifman&s two books on the repertoire of Vishy Anand (1.e4) and gives it "thumbs up". He asked a GM-friend to have a look at them and give his opinion. His reaction: "I don&t buy chess books any more, but I&ll make an exception for these two! Plus Konstantin Sakaev&s book on How to Get the Edge Against the Gruenfeld. 33 NIC Surveys Yearbook 71 Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5, by Van der Tak Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 e5, by Lukacs/Hazai Sicilian Defence: Dragon Variation 9.Bc4, by Golubev/Aagaard Sicilian Defence: Dragon Variation 9.Bc4, by Anka Sicilian Defence: Sveshnikov Variation 10...f5, by Nikitin Sicilian Defence: Taimanov Variation 6.Be3, 7.Qd2, by Fogarasi Sicilian Defence: Paulsen Variation 5.Nc3 b5 6.Bd3, by Van der Wiel Pirc Defence: Austrian Attack 4.f4, by Tzermiadianos French Defence: Exchange Variation 4.Nf3 Bd6, by Boersma French Defence: MacCutcheon Variation 4...Bb4, by Glek French Defence: MacCutcheon Variation 4...Bb4, by Cebalo French Defence: Winawer Variation 7.Qg4 0-0, by I.Almasi Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation 4...Bf5, by Lukacs/Hazai Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation 4...Bf5, by Greenfeld Petroff Defence: Jaenisch Variation 6...Be7, by Karolyi Ruy Lopez: New Arkhangelsk Variation 6...Bc5, by Lukacs/Hazai Italian Game: Two Knights Defence 4.d3, by Tiviakov Philidor Defence: Antoshin Variation 5...Be7, by Fogarasi Albin Counter-Gambit: 5...Nge7, by Raetsky/Chetverik Queen’s Gambit Declined: Exchange Variation 3...Be7, by Boersma Slav Defence: Krause Variation 6.Ne5, by Rogozenko Slav Defence: Meran Variation 6.Qc2, by Karolyi Tarrasch Defence: Rubinstein Variation 6.g3, by Bosch Nimzo-Indian Defence: Rubinstein Variation 4.e3, by Bosch Queen’s Indian Defence: Miles Variation 4.Bf4, by Gavrilov Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Anti-Grьnfeld 4.Bf4, by Rytshagov King’s Indian Defence: Classical Variation 7...Qe8, by Greenfeld King’s Indian Defence: Gligoric Variation 7.Be3, by Van der Weide Volga Gambit: Dlugy Variation 5.f3, by Tay Queen’s Pawn Opening: Trompowsky Variation 2.Bg5 c5, by Nijboer English Opening: Reversed Sicilian 2...c6, by Raetsky/Chetverik English Opening: Symmetrical Variation 4...d5, by Marin Rйti Opening: Markowski Variation 4.Qa4, by Dautov

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    1780.78 руб.


    NIC Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by Josй Vilela, Bogdan Lalic, and many others. Sosonko&s Corner In several of his previous columns editor-in-chief Genna Sosonko has turned his attention to the move g2-g4, which gets ever more popular in many different opening systems. Now he wants to do the same "One Final Time". Meet the faces of Hein Donner, Alexey Shirov and David Bronstein, all members of the illustrious g2-g4 club. Book Review Reviewing The Jackal Attack, a private publication by Adrian Skelton, Glenn Flear lets his mind roam over the tendency to name off-beat openings after animals. His conclusion about the book: fun variations but skimpy contents. The difference with the other two books under review could not be much bigger. The Two Knights Defence by Jan Pinski and The Catalan by Alex Raetsky and Maxim Chetverik are both serious monographs, be it on totally different openings. The former highly tactical, the latter more with a strategic flavour. 35 NIC Surveys Yearbook 72 Sicilian Defence: Dragon Variation 9.Bc4, by Golubev/Aagaard Sicilian Defence: Dragon Variation 9.Bc4, by Anka Sicilian Defence: Accelerated Dragon 5.c4, by Tiviakov Sicilian Defence: Hyper-Accelerated Dragon 2...g6, by Van der Tak Sicilian Defence: Nimzowitsch Variation 2...Nf6, by Van der Weide Pirc Defence: Austrian Attack 4.f4, by Tzermiadianos French Defence: Advance Variation 3.e5, by Matamoros French Defence: MacCutcheon Variation 4...Bb4, by Glek French Defence: Tarrasch Variation 4...Ne4, by Karolyi Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation 4...Bf5, by Da Costa Junior Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation 4...Bf5, by Dautov Alekhine Defence: Modern Variation 4...g6, by Panczyk/Ilczuk Ruy Lopez: Exchange Variation 4.Bc6, by Glek Ruy Lopez: Anti-Marshall Variation 8.h3, by Lukacs/Hazai Two Knights Defence: Max Lange Attack 9...g6, by Van der Tak King&s Gambit: Classical Variation 3...g5 , by Jensen Various Openings: Benoni Hybrid Ne7, by Vilela Queen&s Gambit Declined: Tartakower Variation 7...b6, by Langeweg Queen&s Gambit Declined: Exchange Variation 3...Be7, by Boersma Slav Defence: Chameleon Variation 5.c5, by Lukacs/Hazai Slav Defence: Marshall Gambit 4.e4, by Van der Tak Tarrasch Defence: Rubinstein Variation 6.g3, by Wiersma Catalan Opening: Bogo-Indian Variation 4...Bb4, by Greenfeld Nimzo-Indian Defence: Classical Variation 4.Qc2, by Lukacs/Hazai Nimzo-Indian Defence: Vienna Variation 6.Qa4, by Rogozenko Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation 7.Bc4, by Panczyk/Ilczuk Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation 6.Qb3, by Pelletier/Bauer King&s Indian Defence: Classical Variation 7...Qe8, by Greenfeld King&s Indian Defence: Classical Variation 6...Nc6, by Gavrilov Volga Gambit: Declined 4.Nf3, by Fogarasi Dutch Defence: Leningrad Variation 7...Qe8, by Van der Stricht Dutch Defence: Bogoljobow&s 2.Bg5, by Pliester English Opening: Reversed Dragon Nb1-d2, by Stohl English Opening: Symmetrical Variation 5.a3, by Dautov Rйti Opening: Double Fianchetto, by Fogarasi

  • book

    1780.78 руб.


    NIC Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by Alon Greenfeld, Baadur Jobava, and many others. Sosonko&s Corner This column is an hommage to Oleg Mikhailovich Romanishin. Sacrificing a pawn in the opening to get active play has always been a hallmark of his style. Sosonko depicts the Ukranian genius as one of the leading lights in modern chess research. Of late the results of the 52-year-old Romanishin may have been relatively modest, but this riveting and original grandmaster remains capable of bringing down even the strongest opponent, as Vasily Ivanchuk found out to his detriment at the 2004 Ukrainian championship. Book Review Due to the overflow of information these days, authors of opening books have to make dictinct choices and draw the line somewhere (which variations should be covered, which ignored?) and some of them seem better than others at this fundamental task. Glenn Flear had a look at monographs by Nigel Davies and the Polish duo Panczyk & Ilczuk. Guest-author Sergey Tiviakov reviews three recent publications on the Sicilian Najdorf Variation, revealing on the way that he has not read opening books for a long time. 34 NIC Surveys Yearbook 73 Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation, by Boersma Sicilian Defence: Sozin Variation, by Golubev Sicilian Defence: Four Knights Variation, by Karolyi Sicilian Defence: Basman-Sale Variation, by Sale Sicilian Defence: Closed Variation, by Van der Weide Sicilian Defence: Alapin Variation, by Rogozenko Sicilian Defence: Bezgodov Variation, by Bezgodov Pirc Defence: The 150 Attack, by Marin French Defence: Winawer Variation, by Van der Tak Caro-Kann Defence: Advance Variation, by Fogarasi Caro-Kann Defence: Smyslov Variation, by Galkin Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation, by Llanos/Soppe Alekhine Defence: Modern Variation, by Panczyk/Ilczuk Ruy Lopez: Jaenisch Variation, by Van der Tak Ruy Lopez: Anti-Marshall Variation, by Lukacs/Hazai Ruy Lopez: Marshall Attack, by Naiditsch Ruy Lopez: Open Variation, by Timoshenko Italian Opening: Evans Gambit, by De Zeeuw Two Knights Defence: Bogoljubow Variation, by Van der Tak Budapest Gambit, by Pliester Slav: 3.Nf3 dc4, by Nikitin Slav: Chameleon Variation, by Lukacs/Hazai Slav: Alapin Variation, by Karolyi Catalan: Bogo-Indian Variation, by Greenfeld Catalan: Accepted – 4...dc4, by Anka Nimzo-Indian Defence: Classical Variation, by Tiviakov Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Fianchetto Variation, by Karolyi Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation, by Pelletier/Bauer King’s Indian Defence: Classical Variation, by Morgado King’s Indian Defence: Anti-Anti-Grьnfeld, by Lukacs/Hazai Benoni: Fianchetto Variation, by Kapengut Volga Gambit Declined, by Fogarasi Dutch Defence: Leningrad Variation, by Van der Stricht English Opening: Anti-Grьnfeld Line, by Marin Related products

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    1935.63 руб.


    NIC Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by Viktor Kortchnoi, Jose Vilela, Bogdan Lalic, and many others. Sosonko&s Corner Editor Genna Sosonko was leafing through his old notebooks when he came across a venomous novelty he had used in a blitz game against John van der Wiel back in 1987. This provided enough ammunition for an article on the piece sacrifice Nc3-d5 often seen in the English Opening and of course the Sicilian. The final example is by Donner, who once more had his facts wrong. Book Review The ultimate "macho" opening repertoire consists of two openings: the Sicilian Najdorf against 1.e4 and the King&s Indian against everything else. In his previous column the Najdorf came under scrutiny, so it&s somehow appropriate that it&s now the turn of the King&s Indian to receive special attention. Glenn Flear reviews three new KID books by English masters who he has known for longer than he&d care to say: Chris Ward, Joe Gallagher and Andrew Martin. 31 NIC Surveys Yearbook 74 Sicilian Defence: Nameless Variation 5.Bd3, by Fogarasi Sicilian Defence: English Attack, by Stohl Sicilian Defence: Sozin Variation, by Tukmakov Sicilian Defence: Velimirovic Attack, by Van der Weide Sicilian Defence: Sveshnikov Variation, by Morgado Sicilian Defence: Sveshnikov Variation, by Scherbakov Sicilian Defence: Taimanov Variation, by Mortensen Sicilian Defence: Grand Prix Attack, by Scherbakov French Defence: Winawer Variation, by Nikitin Caro-Kann Defence: Pseudo-Panov Attack, by Vilela Caro-Kann Defence: Fantasy Variation, by Gavrilov Scandinavian Defence: Main Line 5...Bg4, by Tiviakov Petroff Defence: Jaenisch Variation, by Tzermiadianos Ruy Lopez: Chigorin Variation, by Marin Ruy Lopez: Open Variation, by Van der Tak Italian Opening: Game Canal Variation, by Jeroen Bosch King&s Gambit: Classical Variation, by Jensen Slav: Krause Variation, by Karolyi Slav: Botvinnik Variation, by Olthof Slav: Semi-Slav Variation, by Ehlvest Catalan: Bogo-Indian Variation, by Lalic Nimzo-Indian Defence: Sдmisch Variation, by Lukacs/Hazai Nimzo-Indian Defence: Vienna Variation, by Scherbakov Nimzo-Indian Defence: Vienna Variation, by Van der Stricht Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Anti-Grьnfeld Variation, by Van der Tak Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation, by Fogarasi King&s Indian Defence: Fianchetto Variation, by Greenfeld Benoni: The Snake, by Anka Benoni: Classical Variation, by Lukacs/Hazai Queen&s Pawn Opening: Trompowsky Attack, by Gavrilov Dutch Defence: Leningrad Variation, by Rogozenko

  • book

    1935.63 руб.


    NIC Forum YB/75:Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search for the truth together. With contributions by Ruslan Scherbakov and an afterthought by Viktor Kortchnoi, who solves an intriguing riddle around a 1963 game against Matanovic! Sosonko&s Corner YB/75:In this extended column, Genna Sosonko provides us with a bird’s eye view of the enormous impact that Garry Kasparov has had on opening theory. From his younger years, through his famous World Championship matches with Karpov, right to his last novelties in Linares 2005. Kasparov’s theoretical approach was revolutionary. He used the computer but did not overestimate its abilities. The man from Baku could beat all his rivals with his home preparation, which was an extraordinary broad mixture of modern, ancient and half-forgotten opening lines. Kasparov has stopped playing chess, but his work could keep top grandmasters, who cannot sit still for one week as it is, busy for years. And like many of his colleagues, Sosonko doesn’t rule out a comeback… Book Review YB/75:Supply and demand has motivated proficient writer Stefan Kindermann to write his ‘The Spanish Exchange Variation’ in English instead of his mother tongue, as Glenn Flear explains. Admiring its clarity, Flear regrets that this book is too thin! In Konstantin Sakaev and Semko Semkov’s profound ‘Latest Trends in the Semi-Slav: ANTI-MERAN’, Flear has spotted some amazing insights. And he finds Gary Lane’s ‘Ideas Behind Modern Chess Openings: Black’ more relevant than Lane’s version for White. Who could better review ‘Play the Sicilian Dragon’ by Edward Dearing than our guest author Sergey Tiviakov? Read his expert opinion, but perhaps you should read the book first! 33 NIC Surveys Yearbook 75 Sicilian Defence: Moscow Variation 3...Bd7, by Boersma Sicilian Defence: English Attack 6.Be3, by L&Ami/Smeets Sicilian Defence: Sozin Variation 6.Bc4, by Van der Weide Sicilian Defence: Rauzer Variation 9...h6, by Avrukh Sicilian Defence: Rossolimo Variation 3...g6, by Greenfeld Sicilian Defence: Taimanov Variation 5...a6, by Langeweg Sicilian Defence: Paulsen Variation 6...Qb6, by Fogarasi Pirc Defence: Shirov Gambit 5.g4, by Olthof Pirc Defence: Austrian Attack 6.e5, by Afek Pirc Defence: Austrian Attack 6.Bd3, by Tzermiadianos King&s Fianchetto: Anti-Maroczy 4...d6, by Marin French Defence: Rubinstein Variation 4...Nd7, by Fogarasi Ruy Lopez: Anti-Marshall 8.d4, by Karolyi Ruy Lopez: Breyer Variation 9...Nb8, by Olthof Ruy Lopez: Open Variation 9.Be3, by Van der Tak Scotch Opening: Mieses Variation 8...Nb6, by Van der Wiel Scotch Opening: Classical Variation 4...Bc5, by Panczyk/Ilczuk Two Knights Defence: 5...Nd5, by De Zeeuw King&s Gambit: Bishop&s Gambit 3...Nc6, by Narings Various Openings: English Defence 3.e4, by Stohl Various Openings: Chigorin Defence 3...e5, by Karolyi Queen&s Gambit Declined: Blackburne Variation 5.Bf4, by Karolyi Queen&s Gambit Declined: Anti-Tartakower Variation 8.Qc2, by Morgado Slav Defence: Chameleon Variation 4...a6, by Lukacs/Hazai Slav Defence: Krause Variation 6.Ne5, by Lukacs/Hazai Slav Defence: Meran Variation 8....Bb7, by Nikitin Nimzo-Indian Defence: Classical Variation 4...c5, by Anka Nimzo-Indian Defence: Classical Variation 4...d5, by Van der Stricht Nimzo-Indian Defence: Queen-Nimzo Hybrid 6.Nd2, by Scherbakov Bogo-Indian Defence: 4.Bd2 Qe7, by Hansen Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation 7.Nf3, by Van der Tak King&s Indian Defence: Fianchetto Variation 3.g3, by Dautov English Opening: Double Fianchetto Variation, by Marin

  • book

    1935.63 руб.


    NIC Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by Boris Gelfand, Erwin l&Ami, Geert van der Stricht, Edward Dearing giving a passionate answer to Sergey Tiviakov&s negative comments on his Dragon book, and many others. Sosonko&s Corner This time, Genna Sosonko has a look at 2.Qh5 and other early queen sorties in the opening. This paradoxical way of steering clear from theory has become Hikaru Nakamura&s hallmark recently. Before, the young US Champion only played this in hundreds of Internet games, albeit against the best, but now he has also started to employ it in serious tournament practice. Is this the beginning of a new trend?, Sosonko wonders. As always, Viktor Kortchnoi gives a clear answer. Book Review Glenn Flear muses on a new phenomenon: the Chess DVD. Despite some reservations he has to admit that Garry Kasparov (suddenly called "Mr. Kasparov", to Flear&s surprise) does win him over with his inspired presentation in the end! An ambitious repertoire book for Black by joint authors Alburt, Dzindzichashvili, Perelshteyn and Lawrence is surprisingly comprehensive, logical and cleverly laid out. Tiger Hillarp Persson has published one more "repertoire" book, his is a very sharp one on his pet Modern Defence. A book written with the heart, as is Edward Dearing&s second baby: Challenging the Grunfeld. Reading this book, Flear immediately lost himself calculating all the topical lines... 33 NIC Surveys Yearbook 76 Sicilian Defence: Dragon Variation, by Williams Sicilian Defence: English Attack, by Olthof Sicilian Defence: English Attack, by Greenfeld Sicilian Defence: Sveshnikov Variation, by Rodriguez/Olthof Sicilian Defence: Taimanov Variation, by Fogarasi Sicilian Defence: Alapin Variation, by Tiviakov French Defence: Advance Variation, by Sveshnikov French Defence: Advance Variation, by Gavrilov Scandinavian Defence: Gubnitsky/Pytel Variation, by Tzermiadianos Alekhine&s Defence: Larsen Variation, by Scherbakov Petroff Defence: Nimzowitsch Variation, by Skatchkov Petroff Defence: Jaenisch Variation, by Rytshagov Ruy Lopez: Closed Line with 9.d4, by Olthof Ruy Lopez: Chigorin Variation, by Galkin Ruy Lopez: Open Variation, by Flear Ruy Lopez: Dilworth Variation, by Van der Tak Scotch Opening: Miles Variation, by Afek King&s Pawn Opening: Elephant Gambit 2...d5, by Pliester King&s Pawn Opening: Two Knights Defence, by De Zeeuw Various Openings: Chigorin Defence 3...e5, by Karolyi Slav Defence: Alapin Variation, by Van der Stricht Slav Defence: Botvinnik Variation 9.ef6, by Lukacs/Hazai Queen&s Gambit Accepted: Classical Variation, by Rogozenko Catalan Opening: Open Variation, by Marin Nimzo-Indian Defence: Queen-Nimzo Hybrid, by Scherbakov Queen&s Indian Defence: Nimzowitsch Variation, by Lukacs/Hazai Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Stockholm Variation, by l&Ami King&s Indian Defence: Classical Variation, by Matamoros King&s Indian Defence: Fianchetto Variation, by Langeweg Benoni Defence: Modern Variation, by Greenfeld Queen&s Pawn Opening: Trompowsky Attack, by Anka Dutch Defence: Classical Variation, by Karolyi Rйti Opening: King&s Indian Attack, by Matamoros

  • book

    1935.63 руб.


    Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by Ian Rogers, Dorian Rogozenko, Tibor Karolyi, Geert van der Stricht and many others. Sosonko’s Corner In this column, Genna Sosonko takes a look at yet another provocative theme in the opening: the ‘delayed’ advance of a pawn. In more lines than you would expect, this loss of a tempo that we might call the ‘Arabic’ method can be surprisingly effective, though the author admits that it ‘would have left the Stars of the Past utterly amazed!’. Except Philidor, of course, who already taught that ‘excellent pawn play is a key characteristic of true craftsmanship’. However it may be, he who uses the ‘step by step’ method certainly reveals a flexible and unorthodox look at the game. Book Review Non-theory openings are rapidly becoming theory. Glenn Flear investigates James Plaskett’s The Queen’s Bishop Attack Revealed and Richard Palliser’s Tango!. He read the QBA, despite some deficiencies, with a smile on his face and found Tango! to be ‘fairly objectively analysed’ and so these books may serve to popularise these still relatively unknown openings. Next, Flear compares Palliser’s The Modern Benoni with Endre Vegh’s Starting Out: Modern Benoni. He found quite a few differences but both books are equally useful for the stronger club player. Our ever candid guest author Sergey Tiviakov is extremely enthusiastic about Dorian Rogozenko’s tome The Sveshnikov Revealed: ‘I believe all chess opening books should be like this (…) Go for it, boys and girls!’ What more encouragement do you need? 32 NIC Surveys Yearbook 77 Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation 7...Nbd7, by Olthof Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation 6.Be3, by Hoeksema Sicilian Defence: Dragon Variation 9.Bc4, by Anka Sicilian Defence: Scheveningen Variation 6.Be2, by Fogarasi Sicilian Defence: Rauzer Variation 10.e5, by Van der Wiel Sicilian Defence: Rossolimo Variation 4...Qc7, by Greenfeld French Defence: Advance Variation 3.e5, by Sveshnikov Caro-Kann Defence: Panov Variation 5...Nc6, by Smeets Caro-Kann Defence: Advance Variation 4.h4, by Anka Scandinavian Defence: Main Line 5...Bf5, by Priй Petroff Defence: Nimzowitsch Variation 5.Nc3, by A.Kuzmin Ruy Lopez: Exchange Variation 5...Bg4, by Van der Tak Ruy Lopez: Neo-Steinitz Variation 6...Nge7, by Karolyi Ruy Lopez: Open Variation 9.Nbd2, by Grivas King’s Pawn Opening: Elephant Gambit 2...d5, by Pliester Two Knights Defence: Fritz Variation 5...Nd4, by Van der Tak Queen’s Gambit: Declined Exchange Variation 4.cd5, by Bosch Slav Defence: Meran Variation 7.g4, by Lukacs/Hazai Tarrasch Defence: Rubinstein Variation 6.g3, by Vilela Queen’s Gambit Accepted: Classical Variation 7.a4, by Yusupov Nimzo-Indian Defence: Kmoch Variation 4.f3, by Cebalo Nimzo-Indian Defence: Romanishin Variation 4.Nf3, by Langeweg Bogo-Indian Defence: 4.Nbd2, by Boersma Queen’s Indian Defence: Nimzowitsch Variation 4..Ba6, by Dautov Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation 7.Nf3, by Avrukh Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation 7.Nf3, by V.Mikhalevski Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation 7.Bc4, by Olthof King’s Indian Defence: Bayonet Attack 9.b4, by Tzermiadianos/Kotronias King’s Indian Defence: 5.Bd3, by Geo.Timoshenko Benoni Defence: Volga Gambit 3...b5, by Fogarasi Old Indian Defence: Delayed Benoni 7...e6, by Dautov Queen’s Pawn Opening: Trompowsky Attack 2.Bg5, by Fogarasi

  • book

    2038.87 руб.


    Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by Eric Priй, Richard Palliser, Bogdan Lalic, Pavel Skatchkov/Dmitry Frolyanov, Ashot Nadanian and many others. Sosonko&s Corner Genna Sosonko&s imagination was tickled by Vadim Zviagintsev&s bizarre knight move 2.Na3 in the Sicilian. It made Alexander Khalifman laugh, but not for long... The rim knight brought back some sweet memories to our Editor and stirred up some old stories, which does not mean that it has no future! Besides becoming immensely popular on the ICC and in the Moscow Blitz Championship, in a regular game such moves can be a tremendous psychological blow. Book Reviews Not quite mainstream either are the openings treated in Glenn Flear&s Review section this time. After all, you don&t encounter Christan Bauer&s favourite 1...b6 every day. The French GM&s monograph on this English Defence (!) gets many points for its thorough and original content, though it leaves something to be desired in the structure department. Next is James Rizzitano&s &Repertoire book& (we get many of those these days) against 1.d4. A robust tome, although doubts remain if Rizzitano can fulfill his promise of &beating& White&s solid first move. Maybe that&s just to much to ask... or is it? The unlikely author couple Sverre Johnsen and Vlatko Kovacevic also want to &Win& with the London System, but our reviewer found their book to be quite balanced and objective. It&s ideal for the stronger club player who wants a solid system without studying day and night. Boris Schipkov&s CD on the A80-A85 Dutch contains by nature much more material than a book, but also more mistakes. A nice feature is the Training Database with useful exercises. 32 NIC Surveys Yearbook 78 Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 Ng4, by Lukacs/Hazai Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 e6, by Nikitin Sicilian Defence: Grivas Variation 4...Qb6, by Grivas French Defence: Tarrasch Variation 4.ed5 Qd5, by Anka Caro-Kann Defence: Advance Variation 4.c4, by Boersma Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation 4...Bf5, by Olthof Petroff Defence: Steinitz Variation 3.d4 Ne4, by Fogarasi Petroff Defence: Jaenisch Variation 6...Be7, by Kuzmin Ruy Lopez: Neo-Steinitz Variation 6...Nge7, by Karolyi Ruy Lopez: Neo-Arkhangelsk Variation 6...Bc5, by Kuzmin Ruy Lopez: Closed Line with 9.d4, by Marin Italian Game: Evans Gambit 4.b4, by Van der Tak Scotch Opening: Mieses Variation 8...Ba6, by Van der Weide Philidor Defence: Antoshin Variation 5...Be7, by Abeln Queen&s Gambit Declined: Blackburne Variation 5.Bf4, by Agrest Slav Defence: Krause Variation 6.Ne5, by Greenfeld Slav Defence: Marshall Gambit 4.e4, by Van der Tak Slav Defence: Meran Variation 8.Be2, by Afek Queen&s Gambit: Accepted Classical Variation 7.Bb3, by Dautov Nimzo-Indian Defence: Kmoch Variation 4.f3, by Cebalo Nimzo-Indian Defence: Vienna Variation 7.e5, by Lukacs/Hazai Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation 7.Nf3, by Avrukh Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Makogonov Variation 6.b4, by Panczyk/Ilczuk King&s Indian Defence: Classical Variation 7...Na6, by Mikhalevski King&s Indian Defence: Four Pawns Attack 5.f4, by Vaisser Benoni Defence: Fianchetto Variation 11.Bf4 Qe7, by Kapengut Benoni Defence: Volga Gambit 3...b5, by Gavrilov Queen&s Pawn Opening: Trompowsky Attack 2.Bg5, by Tzermiadianos Queen&s Pawn Opening: Priй Attack 2.a3, by Priй Queen&s Pawn Opening: Reversed Albin 3.e4, by Greenfeld Dutch Defence: Classical Variation 7...Ne4, by Williams English Opening: Symmetrical Variation 3...b6, by Langeweg

  • book

    2038.87 руб.


    Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by Simon Williams, Efstratios Grivas, Jose Luis Vilela and many others. Sosonko&s Corner ’Vam shakh, grossmeister’ quipped Bobby Fischer before beating specialist Tigran Petrosian in blitz. Genna Sosonko shows in his Corner that a check in the opening can be devastating. The phenomenon seems to gain popularity. Our Editor comes up with an entertaining mixture of old and new traps. Alexander Morozevich checked on move 3 in the Philidor in an internet blitz game. It could be lethal in bullet! Book Reviews Two more animals in the chess zoo feature in Glenn Flear&s Reviews: the venerable Bird and the idiosyncratic Hippopotamus. They are contrasted with the mainstream 1.e4 e5 openings and the King’s Indian. Being an avid Ruy Lopez player himself, Flear eagerly read Nigel Davies’s ‘Play 1.e4 e5!’ and found that Davies had discovered some nice ideas: ‘I might try a few out myself!’ may be the highest praise you can get from a grandmaster reviewer! Flear was also taken by Mikhail Golubev’s personal view on the King’s Indian in his new book, analysing 56 of his own games. An entertaining, high-quality and original work, writes Flear. ‘Rebellious material’ and ‘weird stuff’ we find in Andrew Martin’s ‘The Hippopotamus Rises’. Our reviewer finds it original, but a little skimpy. Recommended for those who, like the Hippopotamus, like to swim in muddy waters… More thorough is Timothy Taylor’s ‘Bird’s Opening’, which made Flear wonder why this ‘Dutch with extra tempo’ is so rare. Taylor does an alarmingly good – if over-the-top - job for White in From’s Gambit. 32 NIC Surveys Yearbook 79 Sicilian Defence Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 e5 SI 14.8 Olthof Sicilian Defence Dragon Variation 9.Bc4 SI 18.3 Karolyi Sicilian Defence Scheveningen Variation 6.Be2 SI 24.8 Langeweg Sicilian Defence Sozin Variation 6.Bc4 SI 26.2 Golubev Sicilian Defence Rauzer Variation 6.Bg5 SI 28.3 Kuzmin Sicilian Defence Rossolimo Variation 4.Bb5 Qc7 SI 31.9 Greenfeld Sicilian Defence Paulsen Variation 5...Qc7 SI 41.13 Fogarasi Sicilian Defence Nimzowitsch Variation 2...Nf6 SI 43.6-7 Afek Pirc Defence Classical Main Line 6...a6 PU 16.7 Marin/Stoica French Defence Advance Variation 3.e5 FR 3.5 Matamoros French Defence Steinitz Variation 5.Nf3 FR 4.5 Moskalenko Caro-Kann Defence Exchange Variation 4.Bd3 CK 2.9-16 Nikitin Caro-Kann Defence Advance Variation 3.e5 CK 4.11 Peelen Petroff Defence Nimzowitsch Variation 5.Nc3 RG 3.5 Van der Wiel Ruy Lopez Marshall Attack 8...d5 RL 17.10 Van der Tak Ruy Lopez Zaitsev Variation 9...Bb7 RL 26.6 Morgado Slav Defence Krause Variation 11...f6 SL 4.5 Van der Stricht Slav Defence Marshall Gambit 4.e4 SL 6.1 Kuzmin Slav Defence Moscow Variation 5...h6 SL 6.6 Lukacs/Hazai Catalan Opening Closed Variation 6...Nbd7 CA 4.7 Anka Queen’s Indian Defence Nimzowitsch Variation 5...b5 QI 15.4 Karolyi Queen&s Indian Defence Nimzowitsch Variation 5...Bb4 QI 16.11 Lukacs/Hazai Grьnfeld Indian Defence Exchange Variation 5.Bd2 GI 3.3 Bosch King’s Indian Defence Gligoric Variation 7.Be3 KI 18.3 Grivas King&Indian Defence Fianchetto Variation 3.g3 KI 63.3 Stohl Benoni Defence Taimanov Variation 8...Nbd7 BI 7.3 Palliser Benoni Defence The Bd3, h3 System BI 8.4 Grivas Benoni Defence Modern Main Line 8.a4 BI 13.2 + 7 Vilela Queen&s Pawn Opening Trompowsky Attack 2.Bg5 QP 7.8 Tzermiadianos Queen&s Pawn Opening Priй Attack 2.a3 QP 9.1 Priй English Opening Anti-Benoni Gambit 4...e5 EO 46.5 Van der Weide English Opening Reversed Sicilian 3...d5 EO 51.4/53.8 Marin/Stoica