Книги автора:
1885.00 руб.
Title: Training Program For Chess Players II Category (ELO 1400-1800)Author: Victor GolenishchevEditor-in-Cheif: Anatoly KarpovPublished: Russian Chess House, Moscow, 2018Language: EnglishBinding: HardcoverPages: 320This book is equally and excellent textbook for independent work, and a valuable methodological guide for coaches and teachers of chess. Many experts even believe that nothing better in this way is still not created. As a training program for chess players it was developed by the honored coach of the USSR, master of sports of the USSR Victor Golenishchev. V. Golenishchev's programs (IV-III grades, II category, I category and candidate master) still retain great methodological value and are successfully used in chess pedagogy. It is noteworthy that this technique is extremely popular not only among our coaches, but also among foreign specialists.This edition of this classic book is supplemented by examples from the works of the best chess players of recent years and reflects modern views on chess.Under the General edition of the multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov. -
1658.80 руб.
Publisher: Russian CHESS HouseAuthor(s): GolenishchevTitle: Training Program for Chess Players: 1nd Category (elo 1600−2000)Year of issue: 2020Language: EnglishSize: NormalPages: 256Binding: HardcoverDateOfIssue: 2020Like other titles in the Training Program for Chess Players series,this volume is both an excellent textbook for independent study and a powerfulteaching aid for chess coaches. In the view of many experts, no better work of thiskind has ever been written.The series was designed as a self-contained training program by Victor Golenishchev,a distinguished Soviet chesscoach and Master of Sport. Golenishchev’s programs arestill considered critically important and are successfully employed in chess schools.His teaching methods remain popular in Russia and around the world.Supervised by Editor-in-Chief and former World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov,this new edition of Golenishchev’s classic work is updated to include important gamesfrom recent high-level chess competitions, reflecting modern approaches to the game. -
4524.00 руб.
3 VOLUMES by Golenishchev: Training Program for Chess Players: 1st, 2nd and 3rd CategoriesPublisher: Russian CHESS HouseAuthor(s): GolenishchevTitle: Training Program for Chess Players: 1nd Category (elo 1600−2000)Year of issue: 2020Language: EnglishSize: NormalPages: 256Binding: HardcoverDateOfIssue: 2020Like other titles in the Training Program for Chess Players series,this volume is both an excellent textbook for independent study and a powerfulteaching aid for chess coaches. In the view of many experts, no better work of thiskind has ever been written.The series was designed as a self-contained training program by Victor Golenishchev,a distinguished Soviet chesscoach and Master of Sport. Golenishchev’s programs arestill considered critically important and are successfully employed in chess schools.His teaching methods remain popular in Russia and around the world.Supervised by Editor-in-Chief and former World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov,this new edition of Golenishchev’s classic work is updated to include important gamesfrom recent high-level chess competitions, reflecting modern approaches to the game.Title: Training Program For Chess Players II Category (ELO 1400-1800)Author: Victor GolenishchevEditor-in-Cheif: Anatoly KarpovPublished: Russian Chess House, Moscow, 2018Language: EnglishBinding: HardcoverPages: 320This book is equally and excellent textbook for independent work, and a valuable methodological guide for coaches and teachers of chess. Many experts even believe that nothing better in this way is still not created. As a training program for chess players it was developed by the honored coach of the USSR, master of sports of the USSR Victor Golenishchev. V. Golenishchev's programs (IV-III grades, II category, I category and candidate master) still retain great methodological value and are successfully used in chess pedagogy. It is noteworthy that this technique is extremely popular not only among our coaches, but also among foreign specialists.This edition of this classic book is supplemented by examples from the works of the best chess players of recent years and reflects modern views on chess.Under the General edition of the multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov.Title: Training Program For Chess Players III Category (ELO up to 1400)Author: Victor GolenishchevEditor-in-Cheif: Anatoly KarpovPublished: Russian Chess House, Moscow, 2022Language: EnglishBinding: HardcoverPages: 185This program is intended for the teaching of chess in schools and juniorclubs, and is aimed at trainers, teachers and club organisers, working withyoung chess players.The program assume that the pupils know the moves of the pieces andunderstand the aim of the game, although the more complicated rules willbe unfamiliar to them.The teaching plan is aimed at 75 lessons (twice a week, each of two hours)– a total of 150 hours.The scheme of a lesson is roughly as follows: checking of homeassignment, explanation of theoretical material, recording by the pupils ofthe home assignment and a practical part. The length of the theoretical partof the lesson should not exceed 20-30 minutes, since most of the pupils willbe in junior school classes. Chess attracts them above all as a game, and in aneffort to cover too much the teacher may kill the keen interest of the younglisteners. -
1432.60 руб.
Publisher: Russian CHESS HouseAuthor(s): GolenishchevTitle: Training Program for Chess Players: 3rd Category (elo up to 1400)Year of issue: 2022Language: EnglishSize: NormalPages: 185Binding: HardcoverThis book is both an excellent manual for independent study, anda valuable instructional aid for chess trainers and teachers. Manyexperts even consider that nothing better of its kind has been written.As a program for training chess players, it was developed by VictorGolenishchev, a USSR master and honored trainer. Golenishchev’sprograms (the present book, and also the programs for 2nd category,1st category and candidate master) still retain great methodologicalvalue and are successfully employed in chess teaching. It is noteworthythat the present work is extremely popular not only with ourtrainers but also with foreign experts. The present edition of thisclassic book has been updated with numerous examples from thegames of the best players of recent years and reflects modern viewson chess. The editor-in-chief is the multiple world champion AnatolyKarpov.This book is both an excellent manual for independent study, anda valuable instructional aid for chess trainers and teachers. Manyexperts even consider that nothing better of its kind has been written.As a program for training chess players, it was developed by VictorGolenishchev, a USSR master and honored trainer. Golenishchev’sprograms (the present book, and also the programs for 2nd category,1st category and candidate master) still retain great methodologicalvalue and are successfully employed in chess teaching. It is noteworthythat the present work is extremely popular not only with ourtrainers but also with foreign experts. The present edition of thisclassic book has been updated with numerous examples from thegames of the best players of recent years and reflects modern viewson chess. The editor-in-chief is the multiple world champion AnatolyKarpov. -
1400.70 руб.
Like other titles in the Training Program
for Chess Players series, this
volume is both an excellent textbook
for independent study and a powerful
training aid for chess coaches. In the
view of many experts, no better work
of this kind has ever been written.
coach and Master of Sport. Golenishchev's programs are still considered.
critically important and are successfully
employed in chess schools. His
teaching methods remain popular in
Russia and around the world.
Supervised by Editor-in-Chief and former
Karpov, this new edition of Golenishchev's
classic work is updated to include
important games from the recent
high-level chess competitions, reflecting
modern approaches to the game. -
1173.00 руб.
This book is both an excellent manual for independent study, and
a valuable instructional aid for chess trainers and teachers. Many
experts even consider that nothing better of its kind has been written.
As a program for training chess players, it was developed by Victor
Golenishchev, a USSR master and honoured trainer. Golenishchev’s
programs (the present book, and also the programs for 2nd category,
1st category and candidate master) still retain great methodological
value and are successfully employed in chess teaching. It is noteworthy
that the present work is extremely popular not only with our
trainers, but also with foreign experts. The present edition of this
classic book has been updated with numerous examples from the
games of the best players of recent years, and reflects modern views
on chess. The editor-in-chief is the multiple world champion Anatoly
This program is intended for the teaching of chess in schools and junior
clubs, and is aimed at trainers, teachers and club organisers, working with
young chess players.
The program assumes that the pupils know the moves of the pieces and
understand the aim of the game, although the more complicated rules will
be unfamiliar to them.
The teaching plan is aimed at 75 lessons (twice a week, each of two hours)
– a total of 150 hours.
The scheme of a lesson is roughly as follows: checking of home
assignment, explanation of theoretical material, recording by the pupils of
the home assignment and a practical part. The length of the theoretical part
of the lesson should not exceed 20-30 minutes, since most of the pupils will
be in junior school classes. Chess attracts them above all as a game, and in an
effort to cover too much the teacher may kill the keen interest of the young
listeners. -
1966.50 руб.
Полный курс под общей редакцией многократного чемпиона мира Анатолия Карпова.
Эти книги является в равной степени и отличным учебником для самостоятельной работы, и ценным методическим пособием для тренеров и преподавателей шахмат. Многие специалисты даже считают, что ничего лучшего в этом роде до сих пор не создано. В качестве программы подготовки шахматистов она была разработана заслуженным тренером СССР, мастером спорта СССР Виктором Голенищевым. Программы В.Голенищева (IV-III разрядов, II разряда, I разряда и кандидата в мастера) до сих пор сохраняют большую методическую ценность и с успехом применяются в шахматной педагогике. Примечательно, что данная методика чрезвычайно популярна не только среди наших тренеров, но и среди зарубежных специалистов. Настоящее издание этой классической книги дополнено примерами из творчества лучших шахматистов последних лет и отражает современные взгляды на шахматы.
709.73 руб.
Программа подготовки юных шахматистов 1 разряда составлена заслуженным тренером РСФСР мастером спорта В.Голенищевым. Материал программы спланирован в виде уроков шахматной игры, поэтому она может быть использована для самостоятельных занятий шахматистами любых возрастов. -
645.21 руб.
Программа подготовки юных шахматистов 1 разряда составлена заслуженным тренером РСФСР мастером спорта В.Голенищевым. Материал программы спланирован в виде уроков шахматной игры, поэтому она может быть использована для самостоятельных занятий шахматистами любых возрастов. -
387.14 руб.
Программа подготовки юных шахматистов 1 разряда составлена заслуженным тренером РСФСР мастером спорта В.Голенищевым. Материал программы спланирован в виде уроков шахматной игры, поэтому она может быть использована для самостоятельных занятий шахматистами любых возрастов.
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