Книги автора:
Alexander M nninghoff tells the unforgettable tale of the fifth World Chess Champion. Filling a gap in the literature of chess, he shows that Euwes world title was the result of his iron will, his methodical drive and his energetic handling of all aspects of the game. By bringing his world title under the aegis of the world chess federation FIDE, Euwe profoundly changed the history of chess, and it was Euwes diplomatic determination as President of FIDE that saved the Match of the Century in 1972 between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky. This gripping story is illuminated by numerous photos and fifty games with the original annotations by Max Euwe.
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GM Delchev once again delved deeply in his pet defence and came up with several improvements and new ideas. You can expect added material and major revisions in the following variations: • English Attack vs the Taimanov • Classical System with 6.Be2 • System with Ld3 and Le3 • Alapin Variation 3.c3 The Bulgarian GM Delchev (current Elo 2661) proposes a sound yet aggressive Black Sicilian repertoire, based on the Taimanov system: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.Nd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 Qc7. As Black, it is extremely difficult to get a playable position without accepting extreme risks. This book deals with reliable positional systems which will serve you for many years, without having to update your opening knowledge every two weeks. This setup is especially effective against the dreaded English attack. The author is one of the world’s leading experts in that field and his recommendations are based mostly on his own games. Without hiding back his secrets, Delchev reveals many new ideas and novelties in his pet line. The authors pay also attention to White’s deviations from the Open Sicilian. There are chapters about 3.c3, 3.d3, 3.Nc3, 3.b3, 3.c4 and other rare lines. The book features a new form of presentation. Every system is examined in a separate part which contains three chapters: “Quick Repertoire”; “Step by Step”; “Complete Games”. You start with the “Quick Repertoire”. You’ll find there all the vital information that you need to start playing the variation. “Step by Step” chapters follow the usual layout of Chess Stars books with main lines that branch to sub-lines. Finally, every part ends with “Complete Games”.
Knížka je určena pro středně pokročilé hráče, kteří se chtějí více dozvědět jak o strategii, tak o taktice šachové partie v její střední části. Střední hra je jistě hlavní částí šachové partie a uplatňuje se v ní nejvíce tvůrčí přístup
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